الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2011

red bull arena

red bull arena. Red Bull Arena
  • Red Bull Arena

  • steviem
    Apr 26, 03:17 AM
    London is not representative of the rest of the UK at all. It skews almost every figure released that is related to population. I've never seen anyone with a gun, I don't know anyone with a gun and I doubt I ever will.

    This is always going to be the case when a single city has over 12% of the country's population.

    Exactly. You're more likely to know someone with a gun if you live in the countryside anyway. The only people I saw holding guns in London were two Police Officers on the beat around Waterloo Station when I used to walk to work from Waterloo to Piccadilly Circus and outside the US Embassy when I went for my visa interview last month. Oh, also one of my dad's ex coworkers had a gun, but he was in an armed response unit in the police, so I guess that doesn't really count.

    red bull arena. Inside the New Red Bull Arena
  • Inside the New Red Bull Arena

  • Taz Mangus
    Apr 14, 02:57 PM
    who cares? dell's are cheap enough that you can buy a 15" model every year and after 3 years still spend less $$$ than a MBP with Apple Care

    So that's how Dell has been staying a float by selling you a 15" model every year. :p

    red bull arena. red-ull-arena-harrison-sod-
  • red-ull-arena-harrison-sod-

  • JAT
    Apr 13, 10:53 AM
    I'm not fooling anyone. I live in California. I know what its like to be price gouged for everything cost of living wise. I am very lucky to be able to afford the lifestyle. I would have no problem paying a 10-15% premium for a product made here, that is supported here, and helps develop my community.

    Your community? You are a factory worker and make $7/hr?

    These comments are so unrealistic. NIMBY ought to be the new nickname for the USA.

    red bull arena. Red Bull Arena
  • Red Bull Arena

  • Nuvi
    May 5, 03:36 AM
    Awesome "no glases" technology. This must be healthy...




    red bull arena. take over Red Bull Arena
  • take over Red Bull Arena

  • twoodcc
    Nov 6, 11:52 PM
    would love to see it happen this week, or even tomorrow. but i'll believe it when i see it. i know it's coming soon though.

    red bull arena. side at Red Bull Arena in
  • side at Red Bull Arena in

  • Ugg
    Mar 10, 07:19 PM
    The Pauls are nothing more than drama queens who distort facts for their own nefarious purposes.

    I'll be glad when their shrill, messianic voices are drowned out by voices of reason.

    red bull arena. Red Bull Arena: A Dream of a
  • Red Bull Arena: A Dream of a

  • vendettabass
    Sep 4, 11:48 AM
    noo keep the black & white colours :-D, maybe introduce a red too (like the motorola slvr red!) Brushed aluminium rears too so we don't see much scratching!


    red bull arena. Red Bull Arena Grand Opening
  • Red Bull Arena Grand Opening

  • thejedipunk
    Aug 3, 10:08 PM
    I'm glad that I'm not one of those people that spited the iPod at it's genesis. I've always wanted one of those suckers. And I do have one now. :P

    red bull arena. York and Red Bull Arena
  • York and Red Bull Arena

  • ipedro
    May 4, 11:00 PM
    This almost requires that iCloud be a free service for iOS users. A back up is prudent for any OS upgrade so having all or nearly all of your phone's personal data backed up or exclusively stored in the cloud would be a system that would allow iOS devices not have to rely on an iTunes direct link.

    red bull arena. at new Red Bull Arena
  • at new Red Bull Arena

  • JazzCollector
    Mar 20, 09:43 AM
    I think the Classic will be discountinued. Apple is moving the music and video experience to the cloud to allow your collection to be shared between iTV, iPad, and iPhone devices. The acquisition of the music upload service lula has to be nearing some level of integration with iTunes and Mobile Me.

    I bet the only thing keeping this strategy from being fully executed are legal agreements between the content providers and Apple. Something tells me this could be a long fight as it seems that content providers are making inroads in iTune competitors like eMusic. Prices are increasing at eMusic and becoming more 'fixed' across record labels with a larger share of the value-add shifting back to the labels. It's almost as if they've finally found a business model that brings them back to the hay-days of the vinyl record era.

    For me to be a consumer in this space I would need an ability to upload my current collection to the cloud. Most of what I buy isn't available on iTunes and a large percentage is either out of print or has not been made available digitally.

    I'm afraid I'll always have a 4 iPod Classic strategy to hold my collection. That will be my strategy until the batteries no longer hold a charge.

    red bull arena. Event/red-ull-arena-ride-
  • Event/red-ull-arena-ride-

  • buffalo
    Sep 12, 06:16 PM
    Can someone give me some idea when the Apple Store Birmingham UK will get the new nano's in stock?

    You could always call the store and ask... Might be quicker and more accurate than waiting for someone else from MR to answer.

    Also some questions... (continued from my post on the previous page)

    Is there anyway to get the new earbuds? The original buds do not fit my (small) ears, and I would like to try something new. Right now I'm using some Sony (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=4503996&st=headphones&lp=10&type=product&cp=2&id=1051806136350) over-the-head headphones.

    Will there be a software update that will bring gapless playback and the other new features to the original nanos?

    Will the original nano dock work with the new nanos?

    red bull arena. Red Bull Arena
  • Red Bull Arena

  • darpar
    Mar 13, 11:28 AM
    Thanks, you saved me a lot of stress. After reading the specs and seeing it was for PC's only, I tried to cancel the order. Sorry, I'm not a tech guru. But why would they state something like that and possibly limit their sales, when all they have to say is it can be formatted to whatever system you have?


    I'm guessing because of the software CD, which will only run on PCs. But yeah, I agree, it would be smarter to just put one Mac-compatible app on the CD and then market it for both systems.

    red bull arena. Red Bull Arena: Where Football
  • Red Bull Arena: Where Football

  • Henk Poley
    May 5, 09:27 AM
    To be honest, I'd rather get better colours, better black and all that. An AMOLED display on an iPad would absolutely amazing (AMOLED Retina would be even better).
    I'd rather have them move to Pixel Qi, Mirasol or Liquavista once the technology is up to steam. Instead of having a light that needs to burn brighter than the ambient light to able to see it (bye bye battery life outdoors).

    red bull arena. Red Bull Arena: Fittingly
  • Red Bull Arena: Fittingly

  • eva01
    Aug 24, 07:42 PM
    You morons, it's probably because of people like you that the PROPER serial numbers stopped working. Just typing crap in cause you want a free battery (or even changing your number so other people's stop working). I hope Apple catches on to you and charges you when you get your battery and they don't get the recalled one.

    who said we hit submit and are waiting for the box on our battery?

    I just tested it to see if it were true.

    Sorry that i am a moron. get a hold of yourself buddy.

    red bull arena. Red Bull Arena
  • Red Bull Arena

  • someoldguy
    Mar 8, 08:18 AM
    Was able to score a virtually unused M8 a few weeks ago . Tried it out in Midtown and Central Park . Gotta get used to using a rangefinder again .


    M8 , 35/2 , iso 320 , 5.6@1/350

    red bull arena. Opening of the Red Bull Arena
  • Opening of the Red Bull Arena

  • jmcrutch
    Mar 21, 03:02 PM
    ^^ Not that the above arguments with said spouse can ever be won, but try pointing out to her that the amount of money she spends on hair appointments in just a few months would probably cover the cost of an iPad. If that doesn't work, then total up all the miscellaneous receipts that come from places like Walgreens, CVS, etc. If that doesn't work, remind her that you spent tons of money on her when you were dating ... money that she didn't have to spend on herself. When all that doesn't work, continue playing with your iPhone, as you sleep on the sofa.

    red bull arena. Red Bull Arena:
  • Red Bull Arena:

  • vniow
    Oct 11, 12:29 AM
    Okay, by now you should realize that things between the PC world and the Mac world aren't so black and white now.
    XP & 2k are much more crash proof than 9x, have become more user-friendly and have become a better value than the Mac in some ways.
    The major issue right now betwen PCs and Macs isn't any of those however, it's raw speed.
    With Intel approaching 3Ghz by November, the fastest Mac at 1.25Ghz (duals or not) is just not loking very speedy by comparison.
    Granted, they're not THAT slow, but they're far from where they could be.

    There was a time when the Mhz myth was valid, then CPUs started to hit Ghz, then twice that, now at 3Ghz.
    If I'm shopping for a speedy computer right now, what looks fastest, a dual 1.25Ghz G4 or a single 3Ghz PIV?
    Even Photoshop, long favored on the Mac platform is going to render faster on a top of the line PC.

    Now, don't get me wrong, there are a lot of reasons to choose a Mac over a PC at the moment, but speed is not one of them.

    My question to you is, whose fault is it that we have this problem?
    Is it Apple's for not pushing Moto to make faster chips?
    Is it Moto for not giving any intrest in making faster chips?
    Is it Intel, for making consumers think that Mhz is a valid measure for performanance?

    Could Apple have threatened Moto with moving over to IBM chips much earler to get them to crank out some killer chips, or does Moto not care too much about selling chips to Apple because they make more money in the embedded chip market?
    Could Intel have resorted to a better marketing move than cranking up the Mhz every chance it got?

    You decide.

    Sticking the blame on someone and complaining about what should have been done isn't going to do much now, but in the future we can hopefully use this knowledge to make sure that this doesn't happen again.

    red bull arena. Bulls bench Red Bull Arena
  • Bulls bench Red Bull Arena

  • SevenInchScrew
    Oct 9, 05:54 PM
    Where does it say 10 days later?
    The level "Long Night of Solace" takes place on August 13, 2552. When you arrive, on foot, in New Alexandria for the level "Exodus", the date is August 23, 2552. It shows you the date each level takes place during all the cutscenes. The game doesn't take place over the course of 3 days or anything. From the first level through the end, over a month passes (July 24 to August 30).
    Like I said that was my opinion. The story is rubbish.
    That is fine. I'm not telling you what your opinion should be. I'm just saying, I found the story to be quite good, and all of the levels seemed very logical in their order and importance. The fact that you missed all the dates in all the cutscenes might explain why you found them to be "random" in their occurrence. The story was VERY far from rubbish, in my opinion.

    red bull arena. side at Red Bull Arena in
  • side at Red Bull Arena in

  • IronLogik
    Nov 12, 10:54 AM
    I respect the fact that he and any developer can do what ever they wish, and move on to do other things, but to use the review process as your excuse is lame. Sure, everyone knows and agrees it's a bit harsh of a process, but he's leaving exactly why? Because it's a 2 week wait for approval? Because Apple polices content to make sure it won't hinder performance on the device? The developers all know the rules, and not much has changed from day one. I understand frustration, but this is a bit extreme to prove a point. There are better ways to go about it.

    Just my opinion...

    I think he did a great job on the app, and I'm disappointed he's walking away from it.

    I can totally understand his frustration. His job is to make his application better. When there is a big bug that sneaks into the application but isn't caught before the release of the app. You discover it after several people complain (and several in FB terms is probably thousands) but you can fix the problem in an hour. But then you need to wait 2-3 weeks for the application to be approved by apple. In the mean time you can't do jack **** because the app store is completely controlled by Apple. Oh and the user has to deal with the bug until Apple approves the update which at the current rate can be anywhere from a week to three weeks (or more as noted below).

    His job is made harder because of Apple's BS. Why would you want your job to be harder than it needs to be? Of course you don't want your job to be harder. So why say that his job should be any different than your own.

    Nevermind the other developers out there like Cerulean Studio's who haven't heard a single peep from Apple about their Trillian app for the iPhone for over 3 months. THREE MONTHS.

    It's pretty clear that while one developer has the capability to be reassigned to better things, not all developers are. As a result he chose to make his life easier. Others can't, but my guess is that if they had the choice they too would switch away from the App Store.

    Look at Steven Frank (from Panic) who tried to ditch the iPhone for philosophical reasons as well. He wasn't able to leave. But my guess is his success rate would be higher now with the newer Android devices (Droid and Droid Eris/Hero).

    This isn't just one developer having problems. It's a LOT of big developers who are seeing issues. meanwhile more fart apps, flashlight apps and trash are loaded up on the store for no good reason. But those who actually want to make your life easier are getting nothing but grief (or in the case of Cerulean Studios' NOTHING).

    Look at the bigger picture is what I'm saying.

    Apr 2, 05:08 AM
    The competition hasn't learned that a huge portion of actual customers don't buy cell phones based on these kinds of hardware specs. And there's not enough money (bottom-line profit) in catering to those fewer customers who do care.

    Your point? The competition can still sell the phone at the same or cheaper rate, with a better quality camera. Everyone benefits. If you don't like/use the camera phone, then don't use it. Not every feature on a phone people "need" or use.

    Nov 7, 12:19 PM
    I dont want new MacBooks! :mad:

    I already have my MacBook so that may be influencing me but there is my gripe. There is finally a separation between the MacBook and the MacBook Pro. There is an obvious reason for why the MacBook Pro costs more. Bringing them both to the same level creates the same problem Apple used to have... many (including myself) can easily justify getting MacBook instead of the MacBook Pro because the MacBook does everything you need the Pro version to do.

    Sep 12, 03:50 PM
    It works great, "Dark Side" and "The Wall" play as intended.He-he... I'm testing "The Wall", too... :)

    Did the "Gapless Determination" detect your The Wall album or did you, like me, have to set the Gapless Album tag yourself...?

    May 5, 01:44 PM
    I don't understand why people are "upset" about this happening. You do realize it will have an off switch? It will be the same as adjusting your brightness. Not everyone wants a super bright screen, as does not everyone wants to view their device in 3D. There is a zero chance Apple releases a 3D product without the means of turning it off.

    Adjusting the 3DS's 3D capabilities is a slider away. If you want to play your games in 2D, the way you've always done, you can still do this with ease. 3D is an additional feature for times you may want to use 3D on your device (watching Avatar on a plane). It doesn't mean you're going to be forced to use 3D while reading the New York Times.

    I think what people are annoyed with is the constant discussion of 3D in mainstream media. It IS annoying, and I wish for it to stop, but at the same time, I can't find a reason why this technology would be bad for the iPad / iPhone, as it's being added on to the interface, rather than replacing it.

    off switch or not, you have to realize that the more companies will be manufacturing 3D devices, the more companies will create 3D content for these devices

    it's a crappy circle...

    Mar 4, 04:04 PM
    No worries man :) lucky you did, such a nice shot.. I might just have to ask for a high res version for a wallpaper :D it really is a stunning shot man.. the light cast across the benches, the city lights in the background.. it almost looks so isolated, just the bench and the city.. you can image someone sat there alone staring out into nothing with just their thoughts.. really is a fantastic photo :)
    I know a photos good when it makes me think all sorts like that!

    again, you dont fail to impress :D looks alot like a wallpaper I have! Again, beautiful shot man :)

    Thanks for the kind words! I've only been really shooting for a year so I've been trying to get out and shoot as much as possible. I try to post a bunch and get as much criticism as possible to help me improve. It's nice when someone really likes a shot!

    mine for today.. my beautiful little half sister :) loved the lighting here.. basically no PP at all

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5212/5497970602_9d95eb3489_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/svdphotography/5497970602/)
    Sis (http://www.flickr.com/photos/svdphotography/5497970602/) by TheSVD (http://www.flickr.com/people/svdphotography/), on Flickr

    That shot is fantastic. outstanding light, nice bokeh, beautiful subject!

    Mine for today.

    Shot this for a contest a week or so ago. The contest subject was "the end". Saw this walking and thought it fit for the end of an era. No one uses payphones anymore. Got a lot of flack for not removing the can on the ledge but it didn't bother me as I was documenting the scene.


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