الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2011

blood vessels burst in eye

blood vessels burst in eye. of ruptured lood vessels.
  • of ruptured lood vessels.

  • grenstne
    Mar 29, 11:28 AM
    The Radio Shack in the financial district in San Francisco did not have any iPads. The salesperson indicated that their "district" received about four units. That's it.

    blood vessels burst in eye. lood vessels had urst in
  • lood vessels had urst in

  • jamigre
    Jun 24, 07:49 PM
    The day that Steve Jobs tells me I have to use iTunes to purchase software for my laptop or desktop, or that I can't install what I want or how I want it on my personal computer I give him the big middle finger and switch to Linux or Windows.

    I already think it's ridiculous that I have to jailbreak my iPhone every 6months or so - but if the day comes that you'll have to jailbreak your comp, thanks but no thanks. I'll give up convenience for freedom.

    blood vessels burst in eye. Ruptured Blood Vessel in Eye
  • Ruptured Blood Vessel in Eye

  • cleric
    Mar 21, 01:30 PM

    blood vessels burst in eye. ruptured lood vessels and
  • ruptured lood vessels and

  • psychometry
    Nov 7, 01:22 AM
    When touting the benefits of widescreen display, viewing websites shouldn't be one of the selling points. Non-widescreen displays are far superior than widescreen displays. Why? Simple. Websites scroll vertically. The longer the screen, the more you can display at once. Widescreen displays result in much more scrolling since any decent website doesn't require horizontal scrolling at ANY resolution. Having a wide but short window in a browser gives you nothing and takes away a lot.

    You might say that you can get more text on one line with a widescreen display. Well, you don't really want this. There's a reason the 80-character standard exists. 80 might not always be appropriate, but the premise holds true that it's easier to read text in narrower columns over multiple lines than on fewer, longer lines.

    Not to mention Apple puts the dock at the bottom of the screen by default, further reducing visible content on a website. I always move mine to the right.

    The only reason I can see a widescreen display being beneficial is for watching movies, but I think everyone looks at websites more often than they watch movies on their laptops.

    blood vessels burst in eye. with a urst blood vessel
  • with a urst blood vessel

  • Hisdem
    Apr 12, 06:11 PM
    Oh come on, people in the USA already get the cheapest stuff. Quit complaining about everything, damn. Honestly, don't see what you don't understand. The world today is about money. Companies don't care where they build it, as long as they make the most money possible. And honestly, most consumers that are reasonable only think about paying the least for the same product.

    I don't honestly give a damn where it was made. And I'm in Brazil. Oh, and by the way, things won't get cheaper here. They never do. Foxconn's profit margin is the only thing that will change. And it will rise.

    blood vessels burst in eye. to urst blood vessels in
  • to urst blood vessels in

  • ee99ee
    Sep 12, 01:47 PM
    wow.... iTunes is analizing 10,000 of my songs.... this is going to take a while


    blood vessels burst in eye. can a bloodvessel urst
  • can a bloodvessel urst

  • Small White Car
    Apr 13, 03:32 PM
    Would this run on a maxed 13" air ok?

    I have no real answer, but the general rule with these kinds of programs is that they pretty much run fine on any hardware by themselves. The question becomes "What level of media can they handle before they become unbearably slow?"

    So not only do we not have specs, we STILL won't know the answer to your question until people start playing with it. I really thinnk the answer will be 'yes, up to a point.' But what that point is is something you'll have to wait and learn from other users. I suspect it will work, but to what extent I don't know.

    (That said, the Air is never going to be anyone's dream machine for this kind of work. It's built for portability, not speed.)

    blood vessels burst in eye. vessels burst And rash,
  • vessels burst And rash,

  • nooaah
    Mar 15, 01:51 PM
    The point of the military is to defend the country/save lives. Yet they don't want to address healthcare which plays a role in thousands and thousands of deaths annually and a poor quality of life for millions more.

    blood vessels burst in eye. the lood stops at the iris
  • the lood stops at the iris

  • PCtoMAC?
    Oct 12, 12:31 PM
    I actually found myself on the Halo Wiki the other day reading about the Halo universe. Then about 10 minuets in I realized how lame it was and I stopped. Dont get me wrong I love me some Halo but if its outside the game, eh...

    blood vessels burst in eye. a lood vessel to urst.
  • a lood vessel to urst.

  • rebby
    Mar 6, 03:31 PM

    Phenomenal! I love it.

    blood vessels burst in eye. I urst a lood vessel in
  • I urst a lood vessel in

  • jimN
    Jan 10, 11:03 AM
    I guess even Steve has his limits.


    Go and repair your permissions 12 times.

    blood vessels burst in eye. Why Do Blood Vessels Burst In
  • Why Do Blood Vessels Burst In

  • thewaydownmusic
    Sep 24, 01:02 PM
    Wal-Mart uses loss-leading priced CD sales to draw people into the store.

    I work for Target... while we do not always underprice CD's, in many products, that is the case. If someone goes to buy that one product (that the store takes a loss on) the store hopes that they will pick up other items while they are there.

    Target sells a lot of the iTunes pre-paid cards... and TONS of iPod accessories.

    blood vessels burst in eye. lood vessel burst!! easy
  • lood vessel burst!! easy

  • likemyorbs
    Apr 26, 04:08 PM
    Wrong again. I am focusing on Africans because that's the topic you created to discuss. Moving the goalposts again.

    No one is moving the goal posts, you're not answering my questions. I'm just comparing to prove a point. No one else is whining about past discrimination except blacks. Everyone was discriminated at some point. They've all moved past it.

    My primary basis for debate is fact. Yours is uncited assertion, accusation and "common knowledge" without any basis in fact. You are hiding behind weasel-words.

    Nein. What uncited assertion? I provided you with facts and statistics. You just don't seem to like them and don't want to face the facts. But that's ok.

    Whereas you'd prefer to prattle on about trailer parks...in the US. Fine, let's talk other countries - but what on earth is a racial history? I challenge you to find a single country with a significant black population that has no history of prejudice.

    Prattle on about trailer parks? Yeah because you made the assertion that poor white areas are as dangerous as poor black areas. Which is BS. Why should i find a country without a history of racial prejudice? Again, all the other races have moved past it except blacks. Beside the fact, many blacks in the UK are immigrants and their ancestors didn't even deal with racial prejudice in the UK. So figure that one out.

    blood vessels burst in eye. lood vessel burst!! easy
  • lood vessel burst!! easy

  • nitynate
    Sep 22, 10:40 PM
    Screw WalMart...

    Nathan prefers Target.

    blood vessels burst in eye. and urst blood vessel on
  • and urst blood vessel on

  • iGrip
    Jul 10, 12:22 PM
    That's a very old render. I doubt MacAllen made it. Plus, why would you want a transparent display on a desktop? I can almost understand it on a window, but on a desktop it just looks like ****.

    In addition, the keyboard curves in the wrong direction. It would be mucho painful to use.

    blood vessels burst in eye. One is when lood vessel are
  • One is when lood vessel are

  • fixyourthinking
    Aug 3, 06:54 AM
    I totally agree with you and I blame the Washington Post for the initial insanity. The headline and article made it sound as if the MacBook was the problem and not the third-party device driver. Obviously, there is a security hole that needs to be addressed by vendors like Apple, but this isn't an Apple hardware problem.

    I may have beeen initially too dismissive of the article, but that's because of the sudden yellow tint to all the articles regarding Macintosh security. The tech-press is ready to wet themselves the moment a Macintosh hole is discovered and far too many people, offended by the Get A Mac commercials, have their long knives sharpened and are just waiting for the opportunity to use them. Some were so quick on the draw I suspect they merely read the headline.

    The problem is that it was also from a third party device driver from something that almost ZERO people will use with MacBooks ... a USB to wireless adapter. Further, the driver for the third party device had to be installed "PRIOR" to the hack and then also had to access the wireless access point via the terminal ... who does that? And how many people just have the terminal open?

    blood vessels burst in eye. “I urst a lood vessel in my
  • “I urst a lood vessel in my

  • spicyapple
    Nov 8, 09:47 AM
    Haha! Everyone waited for this update and it's so lame. Core 2 Duo is nice, but I'm certainly glad I bought my r1 MB :D
    Rev b MacBook hopefully fixed unexpected sleep bug and heat issues. :)

    blood vessels burst in eye. Burst Blood Vessel In Eye - a
  • Burst Blood Vessel In Eye - a

  • JGowan
    Mar 29, 12:37 AM
    I doubt it. The $129 upgrades were back in the era before the iOS platform took off. The iPhone, and iPad are really accelerating Apple's income and profits, so they don't need to price OS upgrades that high. Snow Leopard brought a bunch of new tech to the table for developers to play with, and $29 was the easy way to ensure most people had that tech. Apple is likely much more interested in moving the platform forward then they are with $100 extra from each person. The more people stay current, the more developers can actually use the latest toys. Also consider that for Intel 10.4 users, the "$29 upgrade" worked fine, even though Apple could have blocked that and forced it to be a Leopard only upgrade.

    Notice how Apple moved away from paid iOS upgrades for iPod Touch users. They saw enough people hold back that it was going to be an issue with the apps in the App Store. Now iPod users get their updates for free.

    I'm going to predict $29 for Lion, with an option to even just grab it from the App Store like how they distributed it to developers. Possibly even a little cheaper off the App Store, and $29 for the in store disc based copy.I guess we'll see.

    blood vessels burst in eye. eye blood vessels almost
  • eye blood vessels almost

  • FreeState
    Apr 25, 09:26 PM
    It's not an issue in other black communities, for instance Kenya, or Nigeria, or many others including Zuid Afrika.

    You really think less than 50% of gun violence is committed by black men in those countries? You might want to go look at the demographics of those countries.

    Why does gun violence effect the black communities? Prejudice, poverty and lack of access to societal goods others have among many other reasons.

    PS: your "joke" is racist and not a joke. Not only is your premiss racist its sexist as well. One does not need positive roll models of both sexist to be non-violent, one needs love and acceptance.

    Sep 12, 05:41 PM
    That's what I'm wondering. I have tons of music videos and now there is no listing of them for me to look through.

    It's now a PLAYLIST

    Jan 11, 05:18 PM
    Doesn't "something in the air" usually refer to love? So it could mean anything, which is why its showing ;).

    Of course as a technological thing, it probably refers to wireless, or possibly something "light".

    It's a cross between Love and itunes university. Yes, it's.....

    iLove U!

    Mar 11, 12:06 AM
    Just an example of a generic office budget ... the City of Toronto has 44 Councillors with an annual office budget of over $50,000 each (most of it used on "useless" crap)

    Our new Mayor Rob Ford actually spends $0 every year of his office budget.

    lets cut that in half to "reasonable"... all across the country in every city town and county.

    Another example is that Mayor in Southern California making over $800,000 per year ... think he is the only one?

    We need to weed out this "useless" waste and get back on track ... this kind of Government feeding at the trough is what is bankrupting our countries ... not the Military budgets.

    I agree that abuse needs to stop, but the underlined is completely and utterly false. This kind of abuse is so miniscule in scale compared to the hundreds of billions we are talking about here. The term drop in the bucket is beyond inadequate here.

    Your entire sense of scale is horribly off mark.

    Again, I agree that no public official should EVER make as outrageous a sum as $800,000 (hell $100,000 is pushing it in my book) but to suggest that THAT is bankrupting the country and not the big ticket items (healthcare, Military, benefits), well I don't really have any words to describe this. :confused:

    Oct 23, 05:33 PM
    This is my set up while on rotations in hospitals. Very handy as a mobile office!

    http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1414/5108858842_80b9fec111.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/heyjuliette/5108858842/)

    http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1357/5108262549_a54490749a.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/heyjuliette/5108262549/)

    http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1055/5108273471_eb0374f8f9.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/heyjuliette/5108273471/)

    Still on the fence about getting the 11.6" mba. While small, I think multitasking will be a nightmare on it. So cute though!

    Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 11, 05:41 AM
    So will this indicate CS6 end of the year?

    CS6 comes after Lion, which we can expect in February/March/April 2012. Lion and CS6 will be optimized for Ivy Bridge. Lion public beta is also possible after WWDC 2011.

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