الأحد، 15 مايو 2011

currency converter google

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  • aiqw9182
    May 4, 10:06 PM
    If they did go this route it would have to use glasses free 3D. I'm sure they would also have the ability to turn it off just like the Nintendo 3DS so I don't see why there would be a cause for alarm.

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  • BRLawyer
    Apr 13, 11:58 AM
    No you would not. Don't fool yourself.

    Made in USA is becoming something from the past. Americans need to come to the forefront of innovation and technology. Labor is always cheaper in countries like Brazil and China.
    Americans want to pay Walmart prices so that to happen these products need to be made elsewhere.
    An iPad "made in USA" would probably cost twice.

    AGAIN, let me restate the following:

    - Brazil has one of the most expensive workforces in the world - please don't think that the world's second-biggest Western democracy is the same as an Asian sweatshop - Apple or Foxconn are NOT going there because of cheap labor - it's a much more strategic reason, along with lower logistical costs;

    - Upper-level salaries in Brazil are ALREADY higher than in the US or Europe, for reasons of economic growth and increased demand for skilled positions. A C-level executive in BR earns an average of $520,000, as opposed to some $400,000 in the US and Europe.

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  • GregAndonian
    Apr 17, 12:58 AM
    Ahh, Geez... First they make a new Final Cut Pro out of iMovie, and now they're selling the iPad at Toys 'R' Us??? :eek:


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  • gameface
    Mar 1, 08:39 PM

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  • dscuber9000
    Mar 11, 11:25 PM
    To all those cutting military by huge percentages, what are your plans to deal with the millions of unemployed that would produce?

    To be fair, if we would make the significant cuts to balance the budget, there would be huge amounts of layoffs regardless. So we might as well destroy the jobs that don't produce long-term benefits for the country, than cutting education jobs and funding (as an example) that would definitely hurt us in the long-term.

    Cuts aren't fun. :(

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  • Warbrain
    Aug 24, 01:25 PM
    Bummer - 14" iBook is not affected. No new battery for me.

    My thoughts exactly. Makes me wonder why the 14" iBook isn't affected.

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  • Java, Currency converter,

  • MatthewConnelly
    Nov 8, 06:17 AM
    US store is down!

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  • iPad 2
    Mar 29, 10:33 AM
    You really expect them to squeeze a new iPad into the fall. If anything you will see another Air update.

    Well it sounds like Apple wants to release all of their iOS devices (the iPad, iPod and iPhone) at the same time, a month or two before christmas, and a month or two after their new iOS release.

    That way, they can make everything uniform.

    A new iOS is shown every summer. Then a few months later, once developers are used to use, and all the bugs are fixed, a round of iOS devices built around the new OS debut, and people buy them up like crazy for the next several weeks to give as Christmas gifts.

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  • dscuber9000
    Mar 10, 10:28 PM
    I agree there need to be big cuts, but it seems like the only thing we cut nowadays are smaller programs that have actual long-term benefits. Not things that actually contribute to our huge debt. Like it's been said multiple times in this thread, the military budget NEEDS to be DRAMATICALLY cut and if you disagree, then you're either completely ignorant of how much we exactly spend on our military, or you are absolutely paranoid of the rest of the world.

    Taking away bargaining rights from teachers that are already underpaid? What's that going to do? Lowering the salary of congressmen? Congratulations, Congressman Boehner, Congress now saved an extremely tiny bit of money (which you then blow by increasing spending on the military by $24,000,000,000 that it doesn't need).

    We need to cut spending on things with no return, and increase spending on things that will truly benefit America in the future: Education, science, innovation, etc. If that means higher taxes, then so be it. That's what got America to be the biggest and best economy in the world to begin with.

    currency converter google. Currency Converter
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  • jettredmont
    Oct 15, 03:42 PM
    Before getting slapped... I guess if youre a billionaire you can shove earbuds into a strangers ear, but here in Real World USA the results would not be pretty. Do that with your girlfriend, I dont think ANYONE would want a stranger theyve known for 1 minute coming up to them and putting crap into their ear.

    If you're unable to walk up to a girl and ask her if she wants to listen to a cool song, but more than ready to semi-anonymously ask the same thing by connecting to her music player ... well, I guess the Zune might have a market with the socially inept looking for others who are socially inept.

    But, in my opinion, if I were to ask someone to listen to a cool song, I'd want to strike up a conversation first, maybe introduce the song, etc. Sending a message like "Someone wants you to listen to something. Accept?" just soounds creepy.

    And, no, if asked to listen to something by someone unwilling to identify themselves, my answer would be "no", period. That kind of person is too likely to send me heavy breathing or a breathless rant on global consumerism spliced into the middle of a Britney Spears track (the rant might be okay by itself, but ...)

    So, no, I see no advantage in that scenario at all.

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  • thejakill
    Mar 21, 01:40 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Why would it matter what his wife said?

    Never stopped me.

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  • and currency converter,

  • rand0m3r
    Nov 8, 06:19 AM
    US finally down w00t!

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  • Use the currency converter to

  • Morod
    Dec 6, 05:40 AM
    I bought 10 out of those 2,000,000 songs

    I'm in for two of them.

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  • ,Currency converter.

  • Darkroom
    Nov 2, 05:06 PM
    This is almost Microsoft-like: at what point does the public simply become so sick of badly written software from an arrogant company that historically captured a large market share and is now doing everything possible to stifle innovation that it simply moves on?

    WHAT are you talking about?! Adobe clearly isn't the one "stifling" innovation here.

    *EDIT* wait, i think that's what you were saying. sorry. :o

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  • clock/Calculator/Currency

  • Fofer
    Mar 21, 05:45 PM
    Sorry, but for me this story doesn't pass the sniff test.

    Me neither. This is a weird story. I want to laugh along with it, but something doesn't ring true to me.

    What if "wife said no" because "husband" spent all of his time with gadgets instead of the family? Apple sending it back (even if "free,") doesn't address the situation properly (or even politely.)

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  • Reader, Currency Converter

  • ghostlyorb
    Apr 11, 07:58 AM
    So I could buy photoshop... and use it WHEN I need to for $35 a month? Like I could buy it, use it only once and only pay $35? that's pretty cool.

    currency converter google. Currency Converter
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  • Peace
    Sep 6, 09:49 AM
    For those wondering why Apple came out with the new iMacs today.A Wednesday. It's probably because Steve Jobs didn't want the media to think the keynote was going to be about the 23" iMac..( now 24" )

    Get the iMac's out of the way now so the media can speculate on other things.

    currency converter google. Currency Converter
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  • Shua
    Jan 11, 04:23 PM
    Spoilsport, I thought we we're having a 'crazy' prediction discussion

    Like the intoduction of an iToaster (like the one off Red Dwarf) maybe an iOxygen device so we don't have to worry about pollution


    Get the smeg out!

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  • NT1440
    Mar 29, 03:09 PM
    Yep, poor ole' Saddam, just an innocent bystander. :rolleyes:

    Saddam was not the threat that Bush made him out to be. It was only after the WMD charade completely fell apart (I suspect Bush figured they'd find something to tout as proof, didn't happen) that the reasoning was shifted to "spreading democracy" and the atrocities of Saddam were pushed hard. Simply put, the war was built and sold on a complete lie, and it was only after that fell apart it became about human rights and (US interests approved) "democracy".

    If a country's regime committing human rights abuses was really the USA's reasoning behind intervention we would have invaded Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc. Simply put, the USA cares if and only if there is some vital interest to be obtained. I haven't quite figured out the strategic importance of Libya to be honest. Who knows, maybe it'll be just like how massive lithium reserves were (re)"discovered" in Afghanistan after we invaded (they have been known about for almost a century, but it seems to have escaped the history books somehow).

    Sep 6, 10:19 AM
    They all still have that big fugly chin. Headless conroe mac and new displays next tuesday?

    Mar 6, 03:26 PM

    Great shot. I feel I'm there, in that scrum (and I know how painful that is)...


    Yup... really beautiful...


    That's got to be very old: Britain is still attached to the rest of Europe...

    May 4, 11:55 PM
    Wireless updates sound delightful, but what sounds even better is wireless syncing. We should be able to do this already without having to jailbreak our devices. Even the damn zune can do it :(

    Apr 4, 03:02 PM
    A child does not naturally grow up to be socially responsible or kind. They naturally grow up to be self-centered and violent unless a parent or authority teaches them otherwise.

    As negative as I think religion can be, it has set a code of conduct for people that enables cooperation and empathy for others. Although we don't need religion to teach people morals, we need some agreed upon code of conduct.

    You might say that the laws of a country serve that purpose, but they don't. They are simply rules everyone must follow and any despotic ruler can set awful laws that can hurt people. Therefore, the code of conduct has to be separate from the law.

    If atheism has any future, its needs some type of unified, agreed upon code.

    Religion doesn't have an agreed upon code of conduct. Morals don't stem from religion! People use their morals to pick the best bits of religion to act on. Morals are actually much deeper than that- some other primates have been shown to exhibit different levels of morality.

    Aug 7, 10:46 PM
    I still wonder where the Airport and Bluetooth antennas are.

    They stick out from underneath the case. I'm pretty sure you can see that at some point during the Keynote speech (look for the blue "transmission circles" next to the Mac Pro -- the antenna is at the center of the circles).

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