السبت، 14 مايو 2011

texas flag

texas flag. Displaying the Texas flag
  • Displaying the Texas flag

  • R0bert
    Nov 27, 10:21 AM
    I predicted this a year ago... :)


    texas flag. Texas-Flag.jpg. Um Abe Vigoda?
  • Texas-Flag.jpg. Um Abe Vigoda?

  • 4God
    Jan 11, 04:34 PM
    iPhone 2.0 ;)

    texas flag. The Texas State Flag
  • The Texas State Flag

  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 11, 06:37 AM
    Geez! Please spare me such uninformed comments, and read this:


    Doesn't matter how much they made. If you think Adobe doesn't adjust their prices to offset douchebag thieves, you're naive and/or ignorant.

    If you want to use pro tools, you pay for them like an adult. Or you're just a thieving child.

    texas flag. Sewn Nylon 4x6 Texas Flag with
  • Sewn Nylon 4x6 Texas Flag with

  • frozencarbonite
    Aug 3, 05:25 PM
    I guess I'll connect to my ethernet for now to be on the safe side until we get more information.

    texas flag. The Bonnie Blue flag is made
  • The Bonnie Blue flag is made

  • daneoni
    Sep 12, 04:33 PM
    I can't play more than 1 song before it crashes. I went ahead and appzapped the friggin program and started with a totally fresh install and I'm having the same problem. It plays 1 song and then crashes.

    Another thing I noticed is that it misreports song length by a few seconds. It's reporting them too short. It plays out until the end and then backs up a second or two, then crashes.

    Anyone else?

    iTunes 7
    PB 12"

    Repair your permissions before and after each install. Mine did some correction to iTunes framework.

    texas flag. Sue Over Texas#39; Handling
  • Sue Over Texas#39; Handling

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 12, 04:59 PM
    I totally agree. Whenever I read news stories about Apple on Yahoo! Finance, I see comments that vilify Apple for being a "greedy corporation" that sent jobs to China. I'm getting sick and tired of those phony patriots who have the gall to call Apple a greedy corporation for manufacturing things in China to save money, even though those same people happily buy cheap goods without caring in the least if they're made in China or not.

    Here's food for thought for all of them. Some of the best Android phones on market, like the HTC EVO 4G, is made in Taiwan. HTC is a Taiwanese company. Where's the vitriol for HTC? Where's the outpouring of patriotism, where they refuse to buy a product made in "repressive China?"

    The difference being HTC is a Taiwanese company... Apple is an "American" company. You know, Designed in Cupertino...

    texas flag. Texas Flag
  • Texas Flag

  • thenbagis
    Mar 25, 12:39 PM
    Seriously. What happened to the support for the VZW iPhone? All this talk of fragmentation. Now we have essentially the same phone, on different software generations. What gives? I guess we really are the red-headed step child.

    I think that the Verizon iphone was so secretive that the iOS group didn't even know about it... once the VZW iphone was released, the iOS group now has to incorporate the changes...

    texas flag. -of-Texas/quot;gt;Flag of Texas
  • -of-Texas/quot;gt;Flag of Texas

  • Anawrahta
    Aug 2, 07:06 PM
    Hackers rank up there with drug dealers as the scum of the earth. Pathetic, cocky wastes of human life. And no - there's no way you can convince me otherwise and I know I'm not in the minority on this one.

    Side Note: Of course I'm talking about the ones who release their stuff into the wild and don't just notify the software company about the problem and keep it to themselves (those are good people and should be commended - it's the other ones that are a waste of flesh)

    I agree....but wouldn't it be better to say, malicious hackers? I think that most hackers are good people and just like to tinker with things. Of course there's always going to be some bad apples.

    texas flag. is the flag of Texas.
  • is the flag of Texas.

  • W1MRK
    Mar 28, 02:21 PM
    That Hellhole still exists? How?

    "you've got questions, we've got confused faces"

    texas flag. Texas was a Republic,
  • Texas was a Republic,

  • ArizonaKid
    Aug 8, 02:24 PM
    Continuing On...

    The Register had a good article that reflects how I feel:

    Whatever happened to... Mac OS X Leopard? (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/08/08/mac_os_x_leopard_preview/)

    I don't like the Microsoft bashing either...it's just something that gets to me. Microsoft bashing is a waste of energy. Who cares what company did what first, as a consumer I don't care about originality. Just give me something that works. Whatever company can implement the idea the best to provide a benefit to ME, gets my business. Just shut up and innovate (like Apple has been doing), the products will speak for themselves.

    I don't see iTunes making any references to Windows Media Player in their advertising. They don't have to. That's what is great about being No 1, you really don't care that much about who is below you making noise. I just wish that same mentality was applied to the OS.

    texas flag. State flag of Texas
  • State flag of Texas

  • rhett7660
    Mar 28, 07:33 PM
    If this is anything like the iPhone 4 sales.. there will be very limited stock on hand....Well at least in the stores around my area. Good news for those who want one. Might be able to score one via Radio Shack!

    texas flag. San Antonio, Texas 78216
  • San Antonio, Texas 78216

  • MrFrankly
    Aug 24, 03:48 PM
    why are two different Apple websites giving slightly DIFFERENT serial numbers? one is 3K***** and the other is 3X*****

    I suspect someone has written down those numbers and gave them to the web designer...an X looks very much like a K sometimes when written down.

    texas flag. About Texas,quot; and quot;Dallasquot;
  • About Texas,quot; and quot;Dallasquot;

  • keyepitts
    Oct 27, 04:40 PM
    I just installed the update and coreduotemp & Istat now say my temps are running in the mid 50's; before update they said 20's(which I didn't believe). Never had the RSD problem; fans don't seem any louder/more active than before the update.

    texas flag. Lawyer - Houston, Texas
  • Lawyer - Houston, Texas

  • MacFly123
    Nov 2, 04:29 PM

    Apple does not care to support flash on their devices because it is horribly inefficient and has been holding back progression of the internet for over a decade. Instead of using much more efficient open standards that the world wide web is founded upon, companies like Adobe and Microsoft are more interested in locking you into their inferior technologies in order to maintain revenue! Until Flash dies Apple will continue to support the progression of the internet using approved standards!


    texas flag. Texas Online Divorce
  • Texas Online Divorce

  • croy
    Mar 11, 05:12 PM
    Oh whatever, I am buying a MBP by the end of this month when I have the cash ready. I could care less if it is the latest one out or not. I am sure that whatever I buy will suit my needs for years to come.

    texas flag. of its Texas Director#39;s
  • of its Texas Director#39;s

  • E.Lizardo
    Nov 23, 06:32 PM
    lady bla bla has some talent. you have to have some to get admitted to juliard and NYU. even madonna had a good musical education before she hit the clubs in the 1980's


    if you haven't seen this yet, it's lady bla bla a year or so before she hit it big

    I had not seen that before.It'd beautiful.Makes it all the more sad that she sold here soul to be famous.GaGa fever will probably be over in a few years.She could have had a lifetime of success and respect if she hadn't changed.So so sad.I hope in the future she looks back and thinks it was worth it.

    texas flag. texas flag wallpaperstexas
  • texas flag wallpaperstexas

  • elgrego
    May 5, 11:38 PM
    I'd be happy if they supported over-the-air WiFi syncing. We can update the OS OTA but not sync my contacts and calendar items? Sheesh.

    texas flag. Flag Of The State Of Texas
  • Flag Of The State Of Texas

  • zap2
    Aug 24, 01:03 PM
    This is the correct one:


    No, its not.. that for a different recall..https://support.apple.com/ibook_powerbook/batteryexchange/index.html thats the right link

    texas flag. Texas larger image
  • Texas larger image

  • Uragon
    Oct 17, 09:28 AM
    "Squirt," I guess is not an unfamiliar word to a man whose shirt is...... I don't want to see that video again....:D

    Apr 17, 02:12 AM
    How. Many. Full. Stops. Do. They. Want. To. Cram. Into. One. Advert? Have they ever heard of the comma? It's this really useful little squiggle that can be used to separate items in a list.

    Does not use comic sans. FAIL! ;)

    Sep 6, 10:27 AM
    well, I've ordered my 24" iMac.

    Stock-standard, 2-4 days shipping. Well, stock-standard barring the 2 x 1GB Corsair sticks I've already bought to go in it... :P

    My first mac :)

    Aug 3, 01:45 AM
    This guy is just sour that he ain't in Vegas.

    this guy is not in vegas because his exploit has as much holes as this story.

    i just wasted 20 minutes of my life reading the blog, watching the video. and dare i say, reading this thread?

    ok. got to get back to work. catch you guys later.

    Apr 13, 04:51 PM
    My FCS3 install spans 7 DVDs and weighs in around 50gb. FCPX as a stand alone app will be ~300mb, but they'll have to offer it on physical media if they plan on including all the extras that ship with the current suite. I'm sure it'll be $999 full, or $299 upgrade for the full studio. At least I hope so. Here I stand, cash in hand!

    I really can't wait to see what happens with Logic.

    Mar 29, 11:58 AM
    I got my black 16gb wifi iPad today at the radio shack in jersey city. I got there at 9 and no one was there. They opened at 10 and I got 1 of the 4 they had in stock. I did not have to buy the AppleCare but they made me buy an accessory. I didn't mind since I wanted a smart cover.

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