الاثنين، 16 مايو 2011

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  • Master-D
    Mar 10, 08:50 AM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5136/5515049260_58ca08dacc_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/damoncrane/5515049260/)

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  • Multimedia
    Nov 7, 05:52 PM
    How do you know that you are going to get a new one and not a refurbished one. And what old macbooks are you talking about, they didnt release any new ones yet. Thanks for the help.There is ZERO DIFFERENCE between a new Mac and a refurbished Mac - ZERO. You have nothing to fear buying a refurb any more than you have to fear buying a new one. Same warranty. Same quality. Different box. And sometimes when you buy a refurb, you get more than stock like two 1GB sticks of RAM and/or a bigger than stock HD for example.

    free rental application. Rental Application
  • Rental Application

  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 13, 03:47 PM
    If it's shipping in June, even June 30, how can it not be near final form? I mean when a developer tells me s/w is "nowhere near final form" I'm thinking early beta at best. But 2.5 months from release (assume June 30) shouldn't it be in the bug testing phases and everything else locked up?
    I think they meant the build they showed last night, which is the same build they showed in Feb, is an old version that's no where near what the final version in terms of features. For all we know the build they showed might have from Dec or Jan (if or possibly even older).


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  • ZilogZ80
    Apr 11, 08:33 AM
    I just upgraded to CS5 a few months ago for $600. The 5.5 upgrade would cost another $400. Adobe is easily my least favorite company in the world.
    Just like an iPhone, you really want to get it at (or soon after) release to get the max "value" before it gets superseded!

    free rental application. RENTAL APPLICATION FORM

  • Thanatoast
    Aug 29, 03:56 PM
    Pardon me for not reading all six pages, but can anyone describe (generally) the 47 different versions of Windows upcoming?

    Will Basic only play minesweeper? What does it *not* do that Ultimate-Double-Secret-Robot-Super-Monkey-Force-Go! edition does?

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  • a rental application.

  • mscriv
    Apr 7, 07:07 PM
    This is not true. There is no specific assertion in the Old Testament of any triune nature of god.

    I could type up a bunch of stuff, but this website (http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/triunity.html) does a good job of covering all the bases regarding our difference of opinion on this matter. Here's two quick excerpts:

    Jews say that the Shema (pronounced Shmah), "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord"1 contradicts the Christian doctrine that Jesus is God. In addition, there are a number of other verses that proclaim that God is one (see God is One). However, the triunity of God is taught throughout the Old Testament, including the Shema! How can a statement of oneness imply plurality? The word translated "one" from the Hebrew is echad, which demonstrates compound unity of oneness.


    Some of the verses above include all members of the triunity (Isaiah 42:1, Isaiah 48:16, and Isaiah 61:1). Therefore, the Old Testament does reveal the Christian concept of the Godhead, with God being one God, consisting of three persons.

    Remember what I said in the beginning. Complete understanding of the old testament comes through knowledge gained by the revelation of the new testament. They really can't be separated in terms of understanding the whole of God's message and work throughout history. Additionally, for the average person (who cannot read Hebrew and is not familiar with Jewish history and doctrine) it could be difficult to see the trinity in the old testament. That's why I suggest to people that they invest in a study Bible, possibly a Bible Encyclopedia, and some commentaries. These additional tools can help bring out the contextual clues provided by the original languages, the historical context, and the skill of cross referencing within the Bible.

    Of course not any interpretation is valid; however, the Bible is very complex and contradicts itself in places. There is no set interpretation that can said to be right, rather a spectrum that can be justified. "Clear" is not a word I would use.

    Again, we'll just have to agree to disagree. The Bible does not contradict itself in it's overall message of God's revelation of himself and plan for restoring the relationship with man that was destroyed by sin. Sure there are differences of application and interpretation regarding secondary matters (food laws, sexuality, alcohol, etc. etc.) and that is why we have different denominations within the Christian faith. However, the primary matter of who God is, how he dealt with the problem of sin, and how he we are to treat one another is clear and without contradiction. That is why I feel confident in telling you that Westboro is "off the mark" because they are not following Christ's example with how they treat their fellow man and how they represent God to others.

    I realize that, to you, what I'm about to say might be viewed as an issue of semantics or "word manipulation", but to a genuine follower of Christ there is no such thing as "my interpretation". I believe what God says in his word and if I am confused about something I look to other parts of scripture to help me get at the correct interpretation of what is confusing me. You see it doesn't matter what I think or what I wish it would say, I come to the Bible with no preconceived notions and let it stand on it's own.

    This is obviously where we part ways. For me the Bible is the product of man. Nothing more.

    I understand. In most, if not all, of these discussions the eventual impasse that arises is centered on the issue of faith. Some choose to believe, some don't. Some are open to putting God to the test, some are not.

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  • 2nyRiggz
    Sep 12, 02:15 PM
    This is what the iPod nano always should have been: a radically slimmer iPod mini.

    Love the colors. Love the new (old) shape. Love the new (old) aluminum scratch-free design.

    I want one. ;)

    Indeed....the mini is back. The 8gig in black only is the killer though.


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  • bazzalisk
    Oct 16, 05:31 AM
    I dont think ANYONE would want a stranger theyve known for 1 minute coming up to them and putting crap into their ear.

    You don't go to the right clubs, mate.

    There was this girl once in a punk club just off oxford street ... ;)

    free rental application. the Rental Application.
  • the Rental Application.

  • Ishimaru
    Mar 25, 01:12 PM
    When I just upgraded through iTunes on Mac, after downloading for a second it flashed "Verifying iPhone with Apple".

    Has that been there before? Did I miss it in the past?It always does that, it actually signs the OS from Apple's servers. So now 4.3 cannot be installed anymore.

    free rental application. the rental application.
  • the rental application.

  • kinster
    Nov 8, 09:01 AM
    �755.53 is a GREAT PRICE!!!!

    Aaah my ibook G4 12" 800Mhz dies last week (HD failure) and my Powerbook G4 12" 1.33 has only 256MB ram and runs slooowly.

    I've got the money know to buy one but originally I have been saving up for a Mac Pro after MWSF '07.

    What do to - what to do???

    yeah, I just purchased that one with burgundy bag :)

    Was going to get the black as it would have been similar priced when you upgrade the white version to 120gb. But �100+ for an extra 40gb isn't worth it

    free rental application. on your rental application
  • on your rental application

  • skellener
    May 4, 11:20 PM
    Next iPad to Offer 3D Display?

    No it won't.

    free rental application. Rental Application
  • Rental Application

  • John Jacob
    Sep 6, 08:18 AM
    Conroe or Merom? I can't find that on the Apple webpage... :confused:

    EDIT: And the 24-incher still has the chin... I was hoping for a sleeker chinless model (not that I am buying one anyways - can't afford it right now) :(

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  • p0intblank
    Sep 22, 01:12 PM
    I'm sorry, but I have to laugh. This is just too funny... Wal-Mart is scared and they're asking their "friends" to stay away. :p

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  • MacinDoc
    Aug 8, 03:02 PM
    The video of the wireless mac hack has finally been made publically available on Kaneva:


    Just in time for developcon...
    That was actually a hack of a wireless USB card, not a hack of the Mac itself; the Mac was just used for publicity. The hack only works with this wireless USB card, not with the built-in wireless. The news stories attached to this stunt were quite misleading...

    Plugging a wireless USB card into any computer is just like handing a hacker your keyboard, the computer handles it just like any other input device. So, if you handed a hacker your keyboard and didn't encrypt and password protect your files, would you expect the OS to protect them?

    free rental application. a rental application.
  • a rental application.

  • peapody
    Oct 10, 03:27 PM

    Damn this shot makes me really miss my ipad. :(

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  • filmantopia
    Apr 13, 04:53 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    If you think about it, it's not all too surprising that some of these "professionals" are getting so worked up and sulky over this release.

    And who, exactly, are you talking about?

    All I've seen are a few anonymous comments on this message board. Who are those people? Are they pros? I don't know who they are. Do you know?

    Funny how you've developed a whole theory about "professionals" and yet you haven't proved in any way that any pros said what you claimed they said. I've read that the crowd at the show seemed to really love it.

    So if you're going to come here and claim you've heard people saying the exact opposite of the news report then you really need to explain where you heard that and who was saying it.

    I'm not necessarily referring to the responses on this thread, just some of the general backlash that Final Cut Pro X has received for looking like iMovie by people claiming to be industry professionals. I use the term loosely because I'm makIng a point about the meaninglessness of the word "professional". Why am I getting such bitter responses from people who seem to agree with my point?

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  • a rental application.

  • JackAxe
    Apr 11, 03:01 AM
    We just purchased CS5 last week, at the massively over-inflated UK price.

    Now they want us to pay them some more for a service pack.

    Thanks a lot Adobe.

    OK I take it back... well partially... the UK prices are still a disgrace.

    From Adobe's site:
    "You might be eligible for a complimentary upgrade if you recently bought your software product (full or upgrade)."

    If you just bought last week, the upgrade is free. Just contact Adobe and explain your situation. I had to do this when I bought version 4 of PS, then not even a month later, version 5 was released.

    Never mind, just re-read your post. :)

    free rental application. a rental application.
  • a rental application.

  • mdntcallr
    Aug 24, 01:20 PM
    there goes some of sony's good brand quality image.

    one the good side. I once had to swap out a battery from apple before.

    it was quick and easy. honestly i am a power user, travel tons.

    could use a new fresh pair of batteries anyway. i am checking to see if any of my 3 are swapable.

    hey not a bad thing. this is preventative. my batteries have been fine, aside from losing life after tons of charges.

    free rental application. a rental application.
  • a rental application.

  • motulist
    Sep 12, 02:52 PM
    Old nano
    3.5 x 1.6 x 0.27 inches
    1.5 ounces

    New nano
    3.5 × 1.6 × 0.26
    1.41 ounces

    Mar 25, 07:56 PM
    I too noticed a shorter battery life with 4.3, so hopefully this fixes things.

    Mar 28, 02:21 PM
    That Hellhole still exists? How?

    "you've got questions, we've got confused faces"

    Jan 11, 02:33 PM
    With all the resources they have been putting into Leopard and iPhone, do you think apple has any manpower left to produce new product? though i'd like to think 'yes'
    anyway, i wish they give us more hint than just 'something in the air', it sounds like it could be anything :)

    Apr 14, 11:44 AM
    I am surprised so many PCs are sold as it is. I wonder if people are happy with them or they just sit in a drawer or closet somewhere.

    Macs aren't the answer to everyone's needs. Apple only have a touch over 4% of the worldwide market so do you think the other 96% of customers are sitting there head in hand wishing they had a Mac?

    Apple have targeted the highly profitable premium home market and now dominate it. They aren't interested in the low end or business market because they don't need a huge market share to do well and are prepared to let their competitors fight amongst themselves for those lower margin sales.

    Mar 12, 06:23 AM
    apple store is down also here in italy!

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