الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2011

forest trees at night

forest trees at night. A warm flood rose in the young
  • A warm flood rose in the young

  • xlii
    Nov 24, 06:48 AM
    I love how everybody is like "I've got the CDs who cares" or "Buy the CDs they are cheaper". The Beatles on iTunes isn't for you. It is for people who don't buy CDs, it's for the future when the majority of people get digital music and it's certainly for a whole generation of kids who won't know what a CD is or care, in the same way that vinyl is now seen as archaic.

    I'm sure I am repeating someone else's thoughts, but it doesn't seem clear to a lot of people.

    It's too bad that these kids will never know how much better sounding a CD can be over 256kbs. I put applelossless on my iPod and when I let someone listen they usually say wow! it sounds so good.

    forest trees at night. darkness forest night image
  • darkness forest night image

  • guffman
    Aug 3, 10:44 PM
    If that iPhone is true, then it would be the ugliest product released by Apple in a long time. What's next...a Pippin 2 Perhaps..

    forest trees at night. Forest of Living Monster Trees
  • Forest of Living Monster Trees

  • rhett7660
    Mar 19, 11:10 AM
    I had to laugh at some of the responses. Boy it sure does bring back some memories,, can anyone say iPad thread!!! LOL.....

    This one caught my eye.

    straight down the tubes (stock wise)...just look at nortel and cisco

    Boy if they could only see what was coming!

    forest trees at night. Spruce Forest Under Northern
  • Spruce Forest Under Northern

  • Al Coholic
    Apr 17, 10:46 AM
    Apple tends to give technology a very "feminine" touch - meaning the products tend to have very curvy, attractive, almost sensual lines....Attractive, minimalist design will always have some association with feminine sensibilities. This is normal.

    Dude. You need to get out of the house and out from behind your iDevices.


    forest trees at night. stock photo : Forest full of
  • stock photo : Forest full of

  • bmorris
    Mar 29, 10:29 AM
    ...and they showed one of the 'good' retailers, Costco, the door.

    Which Apple Store did you try, there is more than one in ATL.

    Only one in Atlanta really. Dunwoody isn't technically Atlanta.

    forest trees at night. Night trees forest
  • Night trees forest

  • Laird Knox
    Mar 20, 09:06 PM
    I am picturing you steering right to go down a list, left to go up and honking each time you want to middle button. :)

    Now that would be fun. :D On the back of the steering wheeling in my Jeep there are buttons for volume +/-, station +/-, seek and input select. The adapter I bought plugs into the factory radio's wiring harness and makes the stereo think it has a CD changer pulgged in. The seek button cycles through play lists while the station +/- lets you change tracks. It is pretty nifty.

    My HD based iPods that failed from too much time on the back of a motorcycle didn't show signs of failing. They just farted out and unhappy faced me out of the blue.

    The first time mine did that it took me about a week of fiddling with it before I was able to get the drive reformated.

    You know, it's like the headphones with remote and mic w/ volume controls never happened to half you folk. After a very short and easy learning curve, it's even easier to interact for basic functions than the wheel. One of the projects that's on my list of to-dos before my South American ride is to rig a control scheme.

    True, but I already had the iPod Video with real buttons and the BT adapter I was using was only a transmitter. Sure I could make the transition to the touch. I was just pointing out that buttons weren't useless. ;)

    As for your trip, you don't need to rig anythig up. I have a Belkin SportCommand (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/reviews/entry/belkin-sportcommand-fabric-remote-for-ipod/) that works great on the bike. I just strap it to my left thigh and have full control over the iPod stuffed in a bag. Just drop your hand down to the control and you don't even have to take your eyes off the road.

    Unfortunately I was just looking and they may not make it any longer. There are other, similar, solutions out there.

    South American ride? I want to go!

    forest trees at night. Trees in a night forest and
  • Trees in a night forest and

  • danielwsmithee
    Mar 21, 03:43 PM
    A Phat iPod Touch sounds like a great product to me. Integrate an iPad touch with limited flash storage and a iPad Hard Drive. Call it the Phat iPod Touch..:eek:

    forest trees at night. Night trees forest
  • Night trees forest

  • iLoveiMacs
    Oct 12, 11:10 PM
    http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3318/3236823454_ddca5900d9.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3318/3236823454_ddca5900d9_b.jpg)

    (sorry about quoting photo)

    Love the white iMac! I personally prefer the design wayy much more than the newer aluminum iMacs, even though the white models are slow as $%!& compared to the offerings of today.

    forest trees at night. Forest Trees
  • Forest Trees

  • greenstork
    Aug 3, 05:24 PM
    When new products are released in a keynote like the one coming up, are they normally ready to ship?

    It just depends. Motorola was notoriously slow at ramping up production of new chips. Consequently, Apple would release new hardware and buyers would have to wait 1-3 months to receive them. That has since improved since Apple got a lot of bad press from that practice. I'm guessing that you'll have to wait a couple weeks for conroe & woodcrest based systems and perhaps a month for merom.

    forest trees at night. Forest and Stream at Night
  • Forest and Stream at Night

  • skunk
    Apr 4, 06:21 PM
    The idea that religion is the only thing that keeps kids from growing up into terrible people is a bit outdatedThe idea that religion improves people is a bit outdated. The religious are every bit as capable of vileness as the irreligious.

    forest trees at night. The trees at Thetford Forest
  • The trees at Thetford Forest

  • Dagless
    Apr 2, 02:02 PM
    Does that mean these Macrumors folk (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1109081) won't be buying an iPhone 5?

    forest trees at night. trees dark night branches
  • trees dark night branches

  • Kimbie
    Oct 11, 07:46 AM
    Here is my setup


    Dell 2001FP on the left hooked up to my Win7 machine under the desk
    Samsun SyncMaster 2494HS on the right, now connected to my MBP that is over on the left of the desk, using a standard PC keyboard and mouse with the MBP at the moment.

    The little black keyboard is a USB with trackball hooked up to the Win7 machine.

    So far this is an experiment to use my MBP as my primary machine rather than just a laptop, so far so good, have sorted most things out I think.

    I will eventually get rid of the Dell and but the MBP on the stand and have the Win7 machine hooked up to the VGA input on the Samsung monitor

    Also ignore the dust :)


    forest trees at night. a facebook Forest, trees,
  • a facebook Forest, trees,

  • The.316
    Oct 14, 06:33 AM
    I hear the parade route is already planned :p

    They have a shot at the playoffs, but not at the Cup, not yet anyways.

    forest trees at night. a facebook Forest, trees,
  • a facebook Forest, trees,

  • Max Payne
    Nov 7, 08:26 AM
    Yet another Tuesday without an MB C2D. Good luck next Tuesday, waiters (people who wait not serve). :)

    forest trees at night. with night summer forest
  • with night summer forest

  • conradzoo
    Sep 13, 03:07 PM
    I would really like to see what the difference in size between the new nanos and old nanos is. if it really is 52% smaller, which doesn't look it from the picture, I will definitely consider picking one up. has anyone seen any side by side pictures of the new and old nano?

    The package is 52% smaller.

    The new Nano just a fraction thinner.

    forest trees at night. Image of #39;Trees and forest in Denmark before the night fall #39;. Item #. 1674851. License. Royalty-free. Type. Image. Published. 2011-03-29 14:18:32
  • Image of #39;Trees and forest in Denmark before the night fall #39;. Item #. 1674851. License. Royalty-free. Type. Image. Published. 2011-03-29 14:18:32

  • stewacide
    Aug 24, 07:05 PM
    My iBook G4s battery falls within the range on their page, but when I go to 'check out' it says the computer serial number is valid but not the battery? I think I'll call them tomorow...

    forest trees at night. Image of #39;Trees and forest in Denmark before the night fall #39;. Item #. 1674861. License. Royalty-free. Type. Image. Published. 2011-03-31 06:35:56
  • Image of #39;Trees and forest in Denmark before the night fall #39;. Item #. 1674861. License. Royalty-free. Type. Image. Published. 2011-03-31 06:35:56

  • Charlie Sheen
    Mar 25, 03:11 PM
    Can anyone who has done the update confirm whether or not PING is ON by default or not?

    if you have turned it off in the setting its off. otherwise its on by default

    forest trees at night. I was trying to make a forest,
  • I was trying to make a forest,

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 09:02 AM
    I've been reading about every other post in this thread and as a long time Beatles fan, wanted to weigh in. I already own the entire Beatles catalog on CD and carry all their releases (minus "Live at the BBC" and a good number of tracks on the Anthologies) around with me on MP3 CD. I used to have it on iPod, but I got a shuffle and gave my 15GB to my wife. So, I have no need to purchase the music. Even if they remastered it, it would still be in 128kb AAC, and that would be a waste.

    I would, however, buy a Beatles iPod in a second. Hell, I might even camp out at an Apple store for that. Some people here have said the band is old, and their time is over. I couldn't disagree more. Their music is as fresh as it was in the 60s. They completely changed the face of rock and roll and more importantly, the face of recording. Some of the things the band and George Martin did in the studio are groundbreaking. My list of favorite bands changes on a near daily basis, but the Beatles are always locked in at number 1 on that list. Their influence on modern artists is undeniable. I hear the influences in so many types of music, although that is disappearing with the garbage pawned off on the public as music these days.

    I hope these rumors are true because I do think:

    1) Apple Computer innovated computing and the music industry with the iPod and iTunes, just as the Beatles did.

    2) The ads would be classic

    3) The thought of McCartney and Ringo with Steve Jobs on the MacWorld stage makes me tingle with anticipation.

    4) Apple Corps was created to breed and inspire creativity, and I think Apple computer does the same thing. It's a match made in heaven.

    Paul McCartney is quite a jerk. I wouldn't want to see Steve Jobs insult himself by appearing with him.

    Apple Corps breed, inspire creativity? Geewhiz, I don't know whether that's the case... enough LSD and that helps :mad:

    Honestly I like some Beatles songs but this is the most overrated band in the history of mankind. Even Cat Stevens and Steely Dan turned out much better.

    forest trees at night. This is night where lovers,
  • This is night where lovers,

  • dllavaneras
    Jul 23, 07:05 PM
    It would be very interesting to read Lord of the Rings and have the soundtrack playing - synchronised to where you're up to in the book.

    WOW! Either you're a really fast reader or that's one long soundtrack! :p

    Seriously, from comic books to my college textbooks to CD booklets, this feature would rock! Don't remember exactly how cAMP regulates a particular intracellular reaction? Just head to page XX on your Cellular & Molecular Biology ebook. Wanna read your comic book collection on the bus? Done. Don't remember the name of the Orchestra Director in S&M? (The Metallica album, nothing dirty :rolleyes: ) there you go, check out the booklet.

    I see a lot of possibilities!

    Apr 14, 10:15 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    This was expected.
    Well when you're at the bottom, the only logical places you can go are up or out of business.
    Apple is hardly on the verge of bankruptcy, so up is the logical path.

    Apple could capture more market share if they loosened the purse strings a bit and dropped some prices.
    Nothing crazy, but made them more affordable for the average Joe out there. They have the margins to do it, but still keep prices on the high side.

    My daughter needs to use a Mac for school work, but I simply cannot justify the $1k plus expense for a bottom of the line Mac Book.

    My 2008 Dell 1525 (Cost $400 new) short of the EFI/BIOS difference, is spec'd identically (same CPU, GPU) to the 2008 13" Mac Book Pro and runs 10.6.6 and just fine.

    Apr 4, 05:15 PM
    Heh, my roommate tells me he's got a family friend where the husband and wife have figured out a good compromise (only works if both sides are actually decent with money ;) ).

    If either buys an expensive purchase, the other side gets to also buy something of equivalent value. Apparently it keeps them in check about overspending cause they realize it will cost their household twice the amount of money and it stays fair cause both sides get to enjoy a purchase of their own.

    My wife and I have a similar arrangement. I can have something expensive for my birthday. She can have her expensive curtains or sofa..etc. It works great and it is fair for the two of us. I got Adobe Photoshop Cs5, Audition and Lightroom and a Technet membership. She got cloths and a very expensive coat. I still don't know what to get for my next birthday. :cool:

    Sep 6, 09:36 AM
    Oh come on! :D Heee.... I was thinking the 1080i/p resolution might be a hint of what's to come on the 12th :) :cool:

    Yeah, it definitely would be a great machine to watch HD movies on from the new iTMS Movie Store. And after that, combined with Leopard's as-yet-unannounced super-secret built-in Media Center technology, the next iMac revision will see 30" displays with built-in TV tuners, HDMI, etc. :eek: :D

    It's showtime!!! :cool:

    Sep 12, 05:11 PM
    If you're looking for your music videos they have been placed in a playlist called music videos and you need to download Front Row 1.3 to have them show up under Front Row.

    Sep 12, 02:02 PM
    the education store sell these ipods for the same price as normal store
    what does this mean? is it the end of discount? apple want more money? what?


    and the education store free ipod promo is still the old ones.
    I guess probably we will see edu price for new nano after this promo ends.

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