الاثنين، 16 مايو 2011

dubai mapa

dubai mapa. Mapa De Cuba
  • Mapa De Cuba

  • JSchwage
    Sep 12, 02:17 PM
    Personally I'm getting tired of Apple and their color choices. You have to pay more for black? What if you want 8 GB but you don't want black? What then? I'm not liking the approach Apple is taking on the color choices of their products.

    dubai mapa. mapa mundi politico.
  • mapa mundi politico.

  • miketcool
    Aug 8, 01:07 AM
    it does not even make sense to put a phone there, since when can phones do RSS? Its just really fishy tt it is placed alongside the ipod and itunes.

    Quicktime delivers mobile content and that is decent 3gpp phone. The phone is just one possible device Apple's software ends up compressing for. Woo-hoo scalable HD video!

    dubai mapa. Dubai, la figura del mapa
  • Dubai, la figura del mapa

  • Chris Bangle
    Oct 16, 12:52 PM
    I dont want to put anyones hopes up or down but tomarrow is tuesday. And invitations for a media event go out a week before an event which in this case would be next tuesday. So if the fullscreen things gonna happen in time for ipod's birthday invitions will come out tomarrow.... If there are no invites there wont be a fullscreen ipod till january, if there are invites then ipod will be here on tuesday... That is my prediction...

    dubai mapa. mapa mundi politico. mapa
  • mapa mundi politico. mapa

  • Rower_CPU
    Aug 31, 11:26 AM
    DRM discussion has been moved into a separate thread. Let's keep this on topic.

    Thanks :)

    dubai mapa. MAPA DE PROCESOS.

  • HabeshaGuy
    Apr 2, 03:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (MAUI_WAP_Browser)

    The current camera on the iPhone 4 is stellar IMO and many others... an equal 8MP camera would be even better....

    Opinions are good things huh....

    my iphone produces some ok photos but also produces a large volume of absolute shite ones.

    The higher mp may not mean muhc, but hopefully they will be improving the optics/sensor while at it. The nokia n8 may be a fugly symbian^3 abomination, but the sensor combined with the carl zeiss optics produces some really nice photos, even in low light.

    You can also use the hdmi out for flipping throuhg photos, and not just the fakin stupid slideshow like the hdmi adapter on the iphone4

    Yeah, bring on Carl Zeiss. Those lenses work majic even on dedicated cams.

    dubai mapa. mapa de metro de paris
  • mapa de metro de paris

  • 2IS
    Apr 4, 11:49 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I think letting consumers decide is stupid. They dont have degrees in technical areas of computing. That's what engineers get paid for, to handle tech stuff. Consumer pays to have technology that works.

    Do you even know what you're talking about or is the Apple fanboyism clouding your judgment a bit? Perhaps you require SJ telling what you can and cannot view on your devices, most other people have a mind of their own to decide for themselves.

    I don't need a degree in technical areas of computing to know whether or not I want flash content displayed on my screen. Neither does anyone else. What about the billions of computers out there owned by billions of people without such degrees that allow them to view pages properly?

    dubai mapa. mapa del mundo despues del
  • mapa del mundo despues del

  • koruki
    Apr 5, 04:22 PM
    He doesn't know why he wants to build a good camera for Apple? Cause last time I checked Sony doesnt actually know what market they want to go in and just dips their feet into everything. Not mention Samsung has been doing much better in the smart phone market than Sony but are building most of the components in the iOS devices.

    dubai mapa. mapa mundi politico.
  • mapa mundi politico.

  • steve_hill4
    Nov 8, 04:53 AM
    If I go to the Australian Apple Store the delivery time for a Black MacBook is 3-5 days.

    If I go to configure and upgrade it to 1Gb RAM the delivery time falls to 2-4 days!!!

    Explain that to me all you rumo(u)r experts:confused:

    Don't know, but assuming you ordered that and the BlackBook was upgraded before dispatch, you would possibly get 2GB for the same price, or the option to go down to standard 1GB config and money back. That's assuming Apple sees sense and ups it to 1GB as well as C2D.

    dubai mapa. mapa mundi politico.
  • mapa mundi politico.

  • ironjaw
    Nov 8, 09:05 AM
    yeah, I just purchased that one with burgundy bag :)

    Was going to get the black as it would have been similar priced when you upgrade the white version to 120gb. But �100+ for an extra 40gb isn't worth it

    Congratulations...what's the estimated shipping time?

    dubai mapa. mapa polski fizyczna.
  • mapa polski fizyczna.

  • FF_productions
    Aug 3, 02:49 PM
    2 hours after it starts? or after it's done?
    I hope after it starts.
    It should really be live.

    After it's done I presume.

    dubai mapa. Argentyna Mapa
  • Argentyna Mapa

  • gauchogolfer
    Nov 28, 02:23 PM
    B. exactly what property do you think they were protecting? the idea that no company should be allowed to be called apple, in any business, ever?

    I don't think there was a problem until Apple entered the music business. At that point Apple Records got a bit nervous, since there might be confusion. Obviously if I want to start Apple Lawnmowing Incorporated, there is no problem between me and Apple Records. It's all about the similar markets.

    dubai mapa. mapa do brasil para pintar.
  • mapa do brasil para pintar.

  • theROZ
    Jan 11, 04:37 PM
    Here is a geek observation, the apple logo on those banners have a silvery rim that is pretty similar to the iphone casing....hmm maybe I should go outside...

    dubai mapa. 2011 middot; Avec la proximité de
  • 2011 middot; Avec la proximité de

  • haleyvan
    Oct 27, 12:54 PM
    anyone experiencing random shut downs after the firmware update?

    i just got my macbook back yesterday after waiting for over a month for them to replace the heatsink and then the topcase because nothing worked after the replacement.

    i didn't realize that this update was out, and when i first tried to update, the computer wouldn't get past the grey screen then the vertical lines came back. i was about to throw it out the window. i reset the pram and it still wouldnt work.

    i then reinstalled the update and so far it is working fine...i think what happened was i interrupted the update the first time. woops.

    anyways, i would love to know how everyone's computer is doing now. anybody?

    dubai mapa. mapa do brasil estados. mapa
  • mapa do brasil estados. mapa

  • Gregintosh
    Apr 12, 12:49 PM
    Uh, yes really. I deal with manufacturers professionally. Unless something is labor intensive and low value added (like clothing,) the only reason to manufacture in China is for the currency exchange rates and lax environmental laws.

    Why do you think Haier, a Chinese company, is profitably manufacturing in South Carolina?

    So explain the 920,000 workers FoxConn employs.

    Clearly, something in manufacturing gadgets and electronics, which is FoxConn's primary business, requires a lot of labor or else they wouldn't be employing close to a million people!

    dubai mapa. mapa do brasil estados.
  • mapa do brasil estados.

  • yellow
    Aug 3, 02:01 PM
    Does anyone know the answer to this?

    There's precious little details on what the actual exploit is, so no.. I don't think anyone here knows, yet.

    dubai mapa. mapa de europa mudo. mapa mudo
  • mapa de europa mudo. mapa mudo

  • roland.g
    Mar 29, 11:25 AM
    Except to get in on the September iPod refresh timeframe. Read this. (http://daringfireball.net/2011/02/the_next_six_months)

    I have read that. But sorry, they aren't losing iPad holiday sales due to the iPad x+1 coming the next spring. Most people aren't that in tune, and when they get xmas gifts, they're happy to have a $500-700 gift, they're not worried that it will upgraded in a few months. The display doubling is not realistic nor is it necessary for 2011. Apple has already jumped ahead of the Android market with the iPad 2 and will keep a comfy lead this year. Look at how hard it is to get one. They haven't even been able to ship internationally yet. And they are still weeks out on US orders. They won't be coming out with a Pro, HD 2.5 or 3.0 iPad this year.

    Having an April release cycle make fine sense for them.

    dubai mapa. mapa de europa mudo.
  • mapa de europa mudo.

  • acearchie
    Apr 13, 03:53 PM
    Also, the way I read this it seems like they're using a version from February at these demos. (Which makes sense that they wouldn't show off the absolute current version. Someone's probably been working on this presentation for awhile.) So what they showed really could be a version that has literally 4 or 5 more months of work going into it.

    Don't forget that the feb version was probably an even earlier version to make sure that it all works seamlessly so we could be looking at a version that is early 2011 at the latest.

    From all the tidbits of information flowing in I am getting very excited about this update and have already seen many hours that would have been saved if I had had the new version on previous projects I've done this year! It just keeps on getting better!

    dubai mapa. mapa
  • mapa

  • goobot
    May 4, 10:57 PM
    why wont 3d just stay dead :(

    dubai mapa. mapa mundial politico.
  • mapa mundial politico.

  • Sun Baked
    Aug 8, 08:53 PM
    So what is the bus for the Superdrive? Is it the old Parallel ATA with the ribbon cable?Yes the chipset has PATA for optical right now, they also show the two unused SATA over by the Optical drive -- but use them for whatever if they are there.

    Doesn't mean Apple won't switch and make use of them for optical if there is need.


    Apr 17, 08:51 AM
    Agreed. Recipe for sucess:

    Enter credit card information.
    Get on with life.
    Sign for package when it arrives in about three weeks.
    Enjoy your new device.

    The delays were actually a good thing for me. Gave me time to "cool off"
    I'm with you on every point, except the cooling off period.

    Now that Apple's quality control had tanked, I know that there's a great likelihood ill get a bad one and the return game will begin.

    Even though I have an Apple store nearby, I buy BTO, so I'm stuck with what has become "The Crap Shoot, Gambling The Apple Way".

    May 2, 12:44 AM
    So we don't derail this thread (which I plan on getting back to once we've got everything cleaned up around here), I'd like to direct everyone to this thread instead (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1144068).

    Haha thanks corvus. Glad you're ok and we will continue this thread soon!

    Aug 24, 01:50 PM
    They may be screwed.

    Maybe.....that softly spoken. They are screwed. Sony can't be too happy at this time. Delays in launching products, new product acceptance less than stellar, and while Consumer Electronics was doing a little better than past years, this is setting them back. Hopefully they will learn a lesson and do some more R&D next time.

    Mar 29, 03:54 PM
    I assume you enlisted then?


    I have no problem with an individual wanting to help out someone who needs help. I DO have a problem with wanting your neighbor's son/daughter to do it FOR you, just because you feel it is the right thing to do. If you really, truly thought it was worth it, we should be reading about you on the news (http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/06/15/american-hunting-osama-bin-laden-gun-detained-northern-pakistan/).

    Otherwise, you are just another guy with some political leanings that has no problem sending our troops this way and that.

    INB4 "blah blah blah iraq GWB blah blah blah"
    -Against that one too, guys :rolleyes:

    I assume you support our country helping the people of Japan and yet you have not joined a group of rescuers going over seas to rescue them.

    I assume you support the efforts of law enforcement to protect yourself and others from murders, thieves, etc. and yet you are not a police person.

    I assume you are in favor of firemen who will keep your house from burning down if it ever catches fire. And yet you are not a fire man.

    I am a citizen of this country I, pay taxes which pays for firemen, the police, drug research etc. etc.

    These are all things that I believe in an yet I am not directly a part of them. Just because I believe in the current actions my country is undertaking in Libya does not mean that I must join the military to show my belief in the rightness of this operation.

    Oct 13, 10:01 PM
    Originally posted by Nipsy
    You don't force a boutique operation to lower prices by lowering demand.

    It is fundamental economics.
    It's working for AMD, ironically.
    Also, 999 of 1000 things which get said here have already been researched by BizDev, R&D, Manufacturing, etc. in Cupertino.
    Clarify please. You just threw that out of the blue. I'm not understanding where you're getting that from.

    They know we want a G5/Power4 Lite. They know we're savvy enough not to accept a 7470 or some other rebadged G4.

    They know that the G4 is not as fast as some PIV and Athlons. They know we know this.

    They know that MHz matters, no matter how much they downplay it.

    They know the Photoshop bake off is a bad metric.
    Then why the hell aren't they doing anything about it.

    So, since I don't care either way, complain, don't complain, write your congressman, eat J-ello, but know for a fact that unless you have an amazing insight, a moment of pure clarity, or an unused superchip design in you desk drawer, that you won't be changing the future with suggestions, and you'll only impact it negatively by boycotting Apple products.

    As a shareholder and a customer, that idea spells doom, not development.

    Do what you want to do, but get your facts straight, and don't talk out of your sunshine hole!
    It's a lose-lose situation for you then. Apple won't improve for you. You don't promote competition to help Apple improve. And I do have my facts straight, thank you.

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