الاثنين، 16 مايو 2011

cool patterns to draw on paper

cool patterns to draw on paper. I got some little kraft paper
  • I got some little kraft paper

  • eenu
    Sep 13, 05:42 AM
    I have 3 USB 1 ports and 2 FireWire ports. Does that mean if I buy a new 8Gb Nano, it won't work with my system? :(

    No it just means it will transfer at USB 1 speeds instead of its new full capacity

    cool patterns to draw on paper. Cool+designs+to+paint
  • Cool+designs+to+paint

  • pocketrockets
    Aug 24, 03:28 PM
    I think every laptop ever made has battery issues. I'm about to get my third for my Rev. B 12" PowerBook if neither of my old ones is covered under this recall.

    Your 3rd?? So do you have 3 year applecare warranty? Or did that all happen within 1 year?

    cool patterns to draw on paper. COOL PAPER SNOWFLAKE PATTERNS

  • Huntn
    Sep 22, 10:48 AM
    I played for about 90 minutes last night. I am impressed with the graphics but focused on the story (solo/coop), seems like more of the same. I mean it's good but as with most sequels and for me especially after the 5th time around, it's feeling a bit repetitive. Maybe as I get farther into it I'll get more excited. :)

    cool patterns to draw on paper. Yourdraw designs how to if you
  • Yourdraw designs how to if you

  • BigDukeSix
    Mar 28, 04:21 PM
    found a hidden page to link to the locations with ipads for radio shack...


    Nice find!! And, as I suspected, places that I know don't have a Best Buy are on here. Good job Apple marketing!

    cool patterns to draw on paper. Them circle patterns can be v
  • Them circle patterns can be v

  • OutThere
    Sep 12, 03:52 PM
    Not sure if anyone noticed yet, but there are a ton of new visualizer effects i've never seen before, and the visualizer runs at native res when in fullscreen.

    cool patterns to draw on paper. They draw up the transfer and
  • They draw up the transfer and

  • Jovian9
    Sep 22, 01:13 PM
    F*#% Wal-Mart!

    I for one rarely go there (only when I really need an item I cannot find anywhere else). Now I am never going to go there. I needed just one more reason to keep me out of their doors and this is it.

    MacRumors members unite:


    cool patterns to draw on paper. Cross-stitch pattern (my
  • Cross-stitch pattern (my

  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 29, 06:32 AM
    Over the weekend, even Defense Secretary Robert Gates admitted that America has no vital interest in Libya.Uh yeah. Saw that on Meet the Press. Paul is only telling a half-truth. Gates went on to say that other NATO countries felt they have a vital interest in Libya, and I think we all understand how the NATO treaty works. Whether or not you believe or agree with that, the fact is that Paul misrepresented Gates' statement.

    Haven't heard much from Obama about JOBS, JOBS, JOBS lately ...We're heard quite enough about KILLING JOBS, KILLING JOBS, KILLING JOBS from the Republican governors. :D

    cool patterns to draw on paper. seed paper plantable confetti
  • seed paper plantable confetti

  • wnurse
    Aug 8, 10:35 PM
    Instead of the headline reading macbook hacked in 60 seconds it should of read x vendor welcome to your lawsuit we promise it wont last 60 seconds!

    The macbook was hacked in 60 seconds. Why it was hacked or whoose software was responsible is irrelevant. The macbook was HACKED, PERIOD!.
    End of story.

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  • designs free cool Mariah,

  • blueflame
    Jul 22, 09:19 PM
    apple needs to fix the video handling of movies in itunes before anyhting can really be done, its a real mess right now

    cool patterns to draw on paper. cool designs to draw on
  • cool designs to draw on

  • Sky Blue
    Sep 12, 03:31 PM
    One of the best application updates Apple has done in a long time.

    Great job Apple. Simply great.

    Agreed. iTunes 5 and 6 were a little 'meh' but I'm loving 7 so far.

    cool patterns to draw on paper. cool designs to draw on
  • cool designs to draw on

  • j.mcc
    Jul 24, 02:43 PM
    If it hooked up to a wiki with the old wireless and allowed approved paid contributors/users to edit and add entries from the magippear keyless keyboard, it would truly become the essential traveller's instructional companion. Pop it in a sock, because you should always know where your sock is. Yes, it's a hitch-hiker's guide, no less...

    cool patterns to draw on paper. Note that the pattern can
  • Note that the pattern can

  • Rodimus Prime
    Nov 14, 02:52 AM
    Anyone complaining about Apple's app approval process has clearly not developed for other mobile devices for the US Carriers. Even with its faults, the App Store is a walk in the park compared to Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon.

    Blah blah blah full of miss infomation and comparing Dumb phones to the iPhone

    Please compare the iPhone to other smart phones before you go your standard bashing crap and miss information.

    I got all those point you made on how to get in to the Carriers apps store. Guess what the US carriers do not block you from downloading 3rd party apps from other location or even installing your own ring tones on the phone. Google offered its apps on multiple phones NOT threw the apps store.

    On my old LG CU 400 AT&T labeled and locked I downloaded multiple apps from third parties. Yeah very few worked but that is not the point.

    Also all the crap you listed other failing is it it compared iPhone to dumb phones which are VERY different ball parks. In the smart phone world guess what those phones have never had the restrictions you are trying to put on them.

    People would not be so up in arms about the crap apple is doing for the apps store if people would install apps from places other than the App store. Then apple can be as hard as they want on what gets in THEIR app store since others can make there own or load them off there own site.

    cool patterns to draw on paper. Gods many cool designs
  • Gods many cool designs

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 14, 12:03 PM
    I'm not trying to pee in Apple's Cheerios at all...but i do wonder at what point will they reach a plateau in sales growth. That said, I don't think they're close to it yet...China is becoming a great new market for them...

    Right after dell drops off the face of the world. Dam crappy computers.

    cool patterns to draw on paper. Alternatively, you can draw
  • Alternatively, you can draw

  • msandersen
    Jul 22, 11:37 PM
    Oh, I could sooooo say something here, but it would probably be considered a racist flame-bait, so I'll just steer clear of it.

    But I would say that it won't be me needing that particular feature...

    *mumbles something to self about this being an English-speaking country and runs out of the thread*
    You probably would. I think Spanish is the world's 2nd-most spoken language. Well, don't know about Chinese... Besides, you are being America-centric here, there are markets outside the US, you know, like Spain. Reference works like Dictionaries and Thesauruses will probably be bestsellers for such a device. If I go somewhere, I could load it with a dictionary for the national language for the country, say English-Spanish. My Spanish is not good, so if it could pronounce it for me, all the better. And I know of English speakers who can't read or spell very well either. My brother's dyslexic, and yet also a programmer. The Spanish were the first to discover and explore America, you know (though 500 years after the Vikings). In Canada they're split between English and French. They're like Americans without the attitude or penchant for invading other countries.

    cool patterns to draw on paper. Designs+patterns+to+draw
  • Designs+patterns+to+draw

  • filmantopia
    Apr 13, 04:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    If you think about it, it's not all too surprising that some of these "professionals" are getting so worked up and sulky over this release. The notion that "pro editing" can belong to just about anyone, rather than an exclusive circle of elites, poses an existential crisis. Apple's re-thinking of editing is also a re-thinking of what it means to be "professional". The announcement sheds light on a future in which their "advanced", learned techniques are no longer advantageous. The "industry pros" are facing the plight of impending impotence. It's not something anyone would really openly admit, but I think they're feeling a bit naked, stripped of their status.

    Who can blame them for being pissy?

    cool patterns to draw on paper. On the basic pattern, draw in
  • On the basic pattern, draw in

  • snowleopard2009
    Nov 12, 08:53 PM
    In a way it's rather ironic. When myspace was huge. Some people were defecting to facebook because of all the problems. Myspace allowed you to do and post almost anything. Custom backgrounds, flash, all kinds of HTML. Spam spam spam and more. The result? Slow, clunky pages. Pages that crashed even the toughest browsers and computer with lots of RAM. Phishing SPAM and viruses via messages and pages. Soft core porn and more.

    Go to Facebook and you needed to be approved just to join (essentially). You needed a certain email address. Your page can't have graphics and flash. Your name can't be "$h@wn of da d3@d" or whatever. It's similar to an iphone in that way.

    cool patterns to draw on paper. neat designs to draw,
  • neat designs to draw,

  • SevenInchScrew
    Sep 27, 06:14 PM
    Dunno why peeps call grenade launchers and powerful combos "noob". It's a good strategy, then use it.
    No one is saying it makes you a noob. It comes from the old Halo days. The old "Noob Toob" was the Halo 2 rocket launcher, because it had lock-on for everything. Which sucked, and basically took all the skill out of using it. In Reach, the Rocket Launcher only locks onto airborne vehicles, and even then, you can evade them if you pilot them well.

    And the "Noob Combo" was referred to that not because it made you a noob, but because it was soooo easy to kill them with it. Run around with the Plasma Pistol charged up, blast someone to drop their shields, quickly switch to the BR, and boom, headshot and done. Now there are a couple ways to pull this off. Either an Overcharge shot from the Plasma Pistol, or a Delay Shot from the Grenade Launcher will EMP your target, leaving them open to a quick and easy one-shot headshot.

    But again, as I said earlier, getting your hands on a headshot-capable weapon is not that easy in Reach campaign, so you have to be very efficient with your ammo usage to keep it up.

    cool patterns to draw on paper. Tattoo designs for you how to
  • Tattoo designs for you how to

  • jroadley
    May 5, 09:05 AM
    Pretty sure Apple are smart enough to send a few meg for the update rather than the rubbish way they update at the moment.

    cool patterns to draw on paper. 4. using your paint pens, draw
  • 4. using your paint pens, draw

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 6, 08:40 AM
    Why not 4GB of RAM?
    The system uses some of the 4 GiB of physical address space to map I/O busses and devices.

    For example, that 256 MiB of VRAM on the graphics card appears in the physical address space -- which means that only 3.75 GiB is available for real memory. PCIe busses take more, as well as network and other needs. PCI Express reserves a lot of memory for I/O space.

    A with a 32-bit chipset the OS has to "ignore" any real memory that's usurped by I/O space reserved addressing. A 64-bit chipset (with a 64-bit OS) doesn't have that problem.

    I have a 4 GiB Dell D620, but Windows and Linux only see about 3.1 GiB of that due to the I/O space issues. I expect that OSX86 has the same restrictions - since it's a hardware issue.

    IBM only offers 3 GiB configs of the same Yonah/Napa combination - apparently to avoid "where's the rest of my memory" complaints. It looks like Apple is copying IBM's approach.

    The ProMac has a 64-bit capable chipset, so the memory extensions that were used for the PowerMac G5 can be used to avoid this issue.

    The Napa chipset is 32-bit - Santa Rosa will be 64-bit.

    Jan 11, 05:18 PM
    Doesn't "something in the air" usually refer to love? So it could mean anything, which is why its showing ;).

    Of course as a technological thing, it probably refers to wireless, or possibly something "light".

    It's a cross between Love and itunes university. Yes, it's.....

    iLove U!

    Time Clock
    Oct 31, 12:26 PM
    This firmware update seems like a good thing, but I'm just afraid of the computer shutting down even though it supposedly ignores temp readings. I tried running the hardware diagnostic, and guess what. The MacBook still shut down- multiple times while trying to run the test. I was unable to get the diagnostic to run at all. Should I just call Apple up and start demanding answers and taking no prisoners? Or should I be more sly about it? I'm just starting to get pissed off at what I thought was a great computer company.

    Mar 25, 01:01 PM
    Does it fix the bug for the daylight saver so that I won't get late at work on sunday?

    Sep 5, 12:48 AM
    I have been wanting to move from Windows to an Imac, but I was looking to join up with Apple finally moving to more competitive machines in terms of speed. With the Merom being Apple's choice instead of the more upgradeable Conroe I am wondering what we will all be thinking 6 or 8 months from now when Windows will be running on potentially 4 core machines while we are all stuck with 2 and no headroom. Probably not a concern for current Mac devotees that see the OS as plenty of reason to stick with Apple, but in my mind, instead of the first generation of "faster" Macs we may be buying into just another generation of Macs that run significantly behind the power curve.

    Aug 3, 02:47 PM
    is it just me or is that an aluminum cased ipod nano?

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