الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2011

birthday balloons background

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  • ackgroundballoonbirthday

  • SpinThis!
    Nov 3, 05:10 PM
    Web developers need to use approved open standards and stop using Flash as a crutch. And if by Apple's own image, you mean far superior open standards that are approved by the W3C, then yes! :rolleyes:
    How is using what's often times necessary a crutch? Trying putting any kind of multimedia on your website or handling reliable file uploads and you'll quickly see why you need Flash to reach the broadest audience. Developers have been shouting to the W3C for years for what we need and HTML5 still doesn't address much of the stuff you'd rely on Flash for.

    Sadly, most Flash use is gratuitously used by developers with no html standards based alternative (which is stupid to say the least) so Flash gets a bad rap but when it's done well, it blends right in. There's a reason why Yahoo, Gmail, youtube, vimeo, etc. all use flash.

    birthday balloons background. Happy Birthday Balloons Gif
  • Happy Birthday Balloons Gif

  • nygfan80
    Mar 21, 03:39 PM
    this made my day. little things like this go a long way for a companies user base. Reminds me of Pixar's stint for a little girls dying request to see the movie (http://www.justpressplay.net/movies/movie-news/5530-pixar-grants-dying-10-year-olds-wish-to-see-qupq-before-she-dies.html)

    Wow, puts things in perspective.

    birthday balloons background. Birthday Balloons Wallpaper.
  • Birthday Balloons Wallpaper.

  • leekohler
    Apr 4, 03:05 PM
    A child does not naturally grow up to be socially responsible or kind. They naturally grow up to be self-centered and violent unless a parent or authority teaches them otherwise.

    As negative as I think religion can be, it has set a code of conduct for people that enables cooperation and empathy for others. Although we don't need religion to teach people morals, we need some agreed upon code of conduct.

    You might say that the laws of a country serve that purpose, but they don't. They are simply rules everyone must follow and any despotic ruler can set awful laws that can hurt people. Therefore, the code of conduct has to be separate from the law.

    If atheism has any future, its needs some type of unified, agreed upon code.

    Oh please. I find nothing positive about scaring children with a bunch of lies to get them to behave.

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  • irthday background with bow,

  • Ja Di ksw
    Sep 12, 02:03 PM
    Did Apple buy out whatever company made Cover Flow? If not, that's fairly shady of them. They didn't even bother to change the name.

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  • irthday balloons render

  • EEcuber17
    Sep 12, 05:15 PM
    Why can't I make the left side bar smaller?

    I'm having trouble making everything fit on my little iBook 12"

    When I go to the music store it has scroll bars everywhere.

    I dunno about this...

    birthday balloons background. irthday balloons background
  • irthday balloons background

  • boncellis
    Jul 23, 06:29 PM
    It's funny because there are devices that allow you to do these things.
    Apple allows the normal people to move forward in the technology world.

    You're right. Apple is a prime example of making otherwise foreign technology mainstream with a little cachet. Sounds simple, but it ain't.

    birthday balloons background. happy-irthday-alloons.jpg
  • happy-irthday-alloons.jpg

  • Macs4u
    Apr 2, 02:51 AM
    They make all of Nikons sensors, even the high end D3S and D3X dSLRs ones. They also made (or make?) Canon point and shoot sensors; at least as of a few years ago. Sony was one of the first with backlit CMOS as well.

    Oh, and I think Pentax, if you want to consider them a camera compay, uses Sony sensors.

    Pentax use Samsung sensors.

    birthday balloons background. Happy irthday background with
  • Happy irthday background with

  • mac-er
    Sep 22, 03:13 PM
    Well if I were in the movie studio business, I'd say BYE-BYE Wal-Mart.:mad:

    Unfortunately, you wouldn't because you'd probably be out of business.

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  • Birthday Clipart | alloons

  • bigbossbmb
    Aug 3, 06:03 PM
    I also doubt we'll be seeing a phone, but anything's possible with Apple.

    Nobody was really expecting this (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=500), remember?

    Reading some of the posts on that thread are hilarious!! "lame" "it won't sell" blah blah...

    But yeah, no big deal about this banner as it does not show anything

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  • cartoon irthday balloons

  • Jimmy James
    Apr 3, 11:59 PM
    Which is probably what they thought when they were designing the first SLRs.
    Until someone had the brainwave of sticking in an extra lens element to accommodate the mirror.

    And they're going implement this to good effect on a phone camera?

    birthday balloons background. alloons background,
  • alloons background,

  • Al Coholic
    May 5, 10:39 AM
    The article seems to imply that perhaps ATT has already agreed, hence why Apple is negotiating with Verizon at this point.

    Oh freakin' joy.

    665Mb over AT&T's EDGE network here in Asshat, America will tie up every cell tower within 50 miles and take my iP4 days to update. No thanks - I'll disable it.

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  • happy irthday shane alloons

  • iminimac
    Sep 12, 02:34 PM
    you can classify movies as tv shows and music videos now
    apple-I will bring up information and then go video and you can choose what you want the file is

    birthday balloons background. vector : Birthday balloons
  • vector : Birthday balloons

  • pdxflint
    Mar 8, 06:52 PM
    and yet another from this weekend's visit to Loreto ...


    Cool shot! I loved that place when I visited 5 years ago, and your photo instantly took me back to the sunrises there... I'll try to dig up one or two of my old shots and post them, too.

    Newport, Oregon

    http://blog.darinrogers.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/MG_8939.jpg (http://blog.darinrogers.net/2010/11/at-the-docks/)
    Seems like I recognize that place... even some of the boats... ;) Post more, if you have any. I'm always keen to see someone else's interpretation of a familiar place (at least to me...)

    Nice dog shot. I really like the bokeh and the dog's expression.

    Cheers. Thanks. She's a very expressive dog, besides being as weird as they come from a feral Baja genepool.

    Okay, I posted this just to balance out the dog photo. ;)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5219/5507843060_0548050887_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22077805@N07/5507843060/#/)

    Haha... consider things balanced. Very pretty kitty. :)

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  • happy irthday wish in alloon

  • Analog Kid
    May 5, 01:07 AM
    As long as I can turn it off, I don't care. I can see few reasons why 3D would be useful to me in a tablet, but then the iPhone is full of tech that seemed gimmicky to start and was eventually put to good use by innovative devs. It'll take a while before it gets refined enough to be of value, but gotta start sometime.

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  • irthday balloons wallpaper.

  • SactoGuy18
    Sep 12, 05:30 PM
    Great update for these. The aluminum is much more durable on iPods. My wife's mini was great!......now we'll have to get one of these :)

    When I saw the official pictures the new iPod Nano does look like a reduced-size iPod Mini. :)

    But here's the question though: when we see protective cases for the new Nano? :confused:

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  • or irthday Party alloons

  • Glass
    Aug 3, 05:08 PM
    THAT is exactly what Im talking about. All you people bitch and complain about new things/developments that Apple might be working on (and later announce) and at first you all hate it. Then you get used to it, and then one day you find you love it. I hope the iPhone does come out and you all hate it and it becomes a phenomenal success....the same case the iPod once faced. Same with the new names (MacBook). Same with the switch to Intel (now look how lucky we are). Same with the Intel integrated graphi...well...no one likes those actually, but my point is stop thinking you're going to hate it because you're most likely going to end up getting it anyway.

    That's an amazing point!! I wasn't around these forums back then.. but I am blown away at the original iPod reaction!! Wow!!

    birthday balloons background. Happy Birthday Balloons Images
  • Happy Birthday Balloons Images

  • Quark
    Oct 11, 01:06 PM
    There is a very good article in the latest Popular Science (just got it in the mail two days ago -- I assume it is Nov-2002 issue -- when I get home, I'll verify).

    The article discusses everything you guys are talking about.

    It shows, very clearly, how Mhz and Ghz for benchmarking is not a good idea - it compares AMD to Intel, then throws the PowerPC into the mix.

    It's definitely worth a read.


    birthday balloons background. The Birthday: Balloons
  • The Birthday: Balloons

  • mrplow
    Aug 3, 07:24 AM
    I have to agree with the last post as that's immediately what I thought last night- different devices have different drivers, he supposedly exploited a bug in the drivers for the external wifi card plugged into the macbook- first of all, who wrote those drivers? second of all, this fails to mention *ever* that apple's airport extreme card/drivers has such a bug to be dealt with-- merely that a mac using such an external card is vulnerable.

    and ultimately, he never does load up the Sharing preferences to prove that shell/afs/smb/etc aren't running.

    birthday balloons background. photo : Birthday Balloons
  • photo : Birthday Balloons

  • hiyel
    Sep 12, 04:53 PM
    So how do you work this Album Artist tag?

    What I would expect is to put the artists (separated by comas or something) in that tag, and then that song will show up under all those listed artists.

    The way it is now doesn't make any difference in organization/categorization of the archive.

    How do you guys use it?

    Nov 8, 09:21 AM
    Not at all. I've had predictions go wrong before, so this is nothing new to me. But it just annoys me that some people are so concerned with getting the best computer at the moment when it'll only be the best for a few months at best, and in the case of the MacBook, isn't even the best.

    lol, people will always want the latest and greatest in this consumerist society. thats what makes america, america! if u dont like it, go to europe :p (im joking, plz, no one take offense)

    Aug 8, 03:56 AM
    Time Machine sounds like the utility in windose xp called systen restore

    No, It doesn't.

    Mar 11, 07:48 PM
    mmmmmm i7 sounds sexy

    Oct 26, 08:26 PM
    I'm not sure if my macbook's shutdown apply to the ones being discussed, but I suppose that's my question. I received my macbook in early september, and within a week it started to freeze the screen intermittently, and after a few days became more and more frequent. BUT THEN it started giving me kernel panics often. Both issues built up until I was having to shut down my computer 7+ times in a day. These were all random occurrences with no links to running certain programs, etc. I sent it in to AppleCare and they replaced the HD (after I had already wiped it, reinstalled, and the problem started again). After a couple weeks of getting my serviced macbook back, the problem has started again from the start, starting slow and then happening 7+ times in a day. AppleCare has told me that there is nothing they can do until the problem becomes increasingly worse, to the point that they can reproduce the problem easily. This is very upsetting, since with the very consistent progression of these kernel panics (and freezes) will land right around my midterms....ANYONE have ANY suggestions here? I don't even know if this is in relation to the random shutdowns you're talking about... But I'm desperate here.

    Sep 12, 04:40 PM
    Question for everyone.
    I was playing with itunes 7, and I realized that if i hit the yellow minimize button (with scale effect set) it minimizes into the dock like normal, but when i try to bring it back from the dock it does nothing for a second and then it just appears. I don't know if the way i wrote that makes sense, but give it a try and see if it works for you.its a genie glitch, or thats how it seems.

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