السبت، 14 مايو 2011

xbox 720 portable

xbox 720 portable. xbox 720 conceptual game
  • xbox 720 conceptual game

  • hasi4x
    Mar 11, 02:44 PM
    So exciting! I really hope this source was legitimate!

    xbox 720 portable. Project Natal Release Date + News on Xbox 720! Project Natal Release Date + News on Xbox 720! 4:12. www.swagbucks.com - Free Prizes and Games!
  • Project Natal Release Date + News on Xbox 720! Project Natal Release Date + News on Xbox 720! 4:12. www.swagbucks.com - Free Prizes and Games!

  • milo
    Aug 10, 06:55 PM
    Is it me, or is the internals of the Mac Pro not as sexy as the internals of the PowerMac G5? It just doesn't feel the same.

    Maybe it's just me.

    Doesn't feel the same at all. The new one is WAY sexier. The G5 was a turd of a kludge. You think that big plastic tumor was sexy?

    xbox 720 portable. It has been a while since this
  • It has been a while since this

  • MorphingDragon
    Nov 4, 11:32 AM
    I'm amazed that you investigated so heavily the CPU usage and yet STILL came to the wrong conclusion, that this is Apple's fault.

    For the record, you're completely wrong that FLASH works well on anything but Windows PCs.

    Did you not notice in those numbers that FLASH doesn't work well on ALL MACS ON ALL BROWSERS ??? And FLASH is the reason for crashes on both POWERPC and INTEL Macs, even brand new Macs, from what I'm reading in other threads here on MacRumors.

    So, how again is this Apple's fault that FLASH doesn't work on any recent Apple platform, iPhone, PowerPC, or INTEL?

    Because Adobe doesn't care and has written crappy software. It has nothing to do with Apple.
    Not much else crashes any of my Macs, so how is this Apple's fault?

    Can you imagine what would happen if Apple let the current version of FLASH on the iPhone and peoples' phones started crashing like their Apple Macs are now? It would be on FOX NEWS!
    Apple's making the right call here. The ball is in Adobe's court to get it right first on Macs.
    Then I'll insist Apple let FLASH on the iPhone, but not a day sooner.

    And I will bet dollars to doughnuts that your Android prediction turns out wrong too, FLASH or no FLASH.

    If FLASH is an epic fail on both INTEL and POWERPC Macs and with both Safari and Firefox on Macs, how the hell do you think it's going to do on the iPhone?

    This is NOT Apple's problem in my opinion. Adobe has just dropped the ball.
    If FLASH crashes on most people's Macs, how do you think it will fair on the iPhone, since it's mostly the same browser?

    Please people, think before you put your feet in your mouths.

    Its epic fail on WinMO and Windows and Linux.

    xbox 720 portable. Xbox 720 by ~charmingblue19 on
  • Xbox 720 by ~charmingblue19 on

  • NT1440
    Mar 10, 11:41 PM
    How about we cut sweetheart pension deals for politicians that pay them 100s of thousands of dollars every year.

    I'm not to familiar with Canada's finances, but that kind of thing is literally a drop in the bucket in ANY country's budgets. That couldn't possibly even add up to billion. Thats not nearly enough to offset the kind of cuts that education faces in this country, again I'm not sure of Canada's situation though.

    xbox 720 portable. the so-called Xbox 720?
  • the so-called Xbox 720?

  • NickvdB
    Mar 23, 08:10 AM
    Eh, you misunderstood me. The main point I was making is that the wife should not be able to prevent such a purchase IF THEY CAN AFFORD IT. In many cases, money itself is not an issue in such a purchase, as the wife would not blink twice in spending that amount on something SHE wants. My point was that sometimes they refuse things simply because they dont see it benefitting THEM- and that is something selfish, and shows a lack of respect. Of course if the guy is blowing $$ on an iPad when they're having trouble putting food on the table, thats an issue. My post wasnt centered on these cases. It made the assumption that it could comfortably be afforded, but which the wife doesnt see the value in it for herself, which is the sole reason of the refusal or the demand that it be returned. And Ive seen this on many, many occasions. I know this guy that brings in 6 figures a yr, yes his wife (who brings in nothing) controls the bank account. The guy has no balls, his wife dictates the purchases, buys whatever the hell she pleases, and gets upset when he spends on anything without consulting her. She doesnt let him buy **** he wants, the cost of which is a drop in the bucket compared to the income he makes, simply because SHE doesnt see the value in it. But like I said, the guy has no balls and takes it, while she spends thousands on shoes, etc without needing to consult him.But hey, some people love that ****. Sometimes you need to do things that give you individual pleasure in a marriage, not always 'pleasure as a unit'.

    The things you mention here are exactly the things i've seen too. To be honest, it frustrates me to see men behave like that. They should send those guys to boot cam, to let them get back some of their balls.

    Men who are in control of women just don't have balls. I think things are going the opposite way. Like women are in revenge for the years they've been in control of men. ANYTHING against women has become social unacceptable, but i think things are going a bit too far now. But hmm, it's probably just a 'trend'...:)

    xbox 720 portable. xbox 720 white
  • xbox 720 white

  • BigDukeSix
    Mar 22, 11:13 AM

    1. You are not married.
    2. You don't understand wives.

    -or -

    1. You and your wife must fight a lot and you just do it anyway.
    2. You rule your house with an iron hammer

    -or -

    1. You have a relationship where you guys have enough money that neither one of you have to worry about negotiating purchases.
    2. Your wife gets whatever, whenever she wants.
    3. You only make one purchase for yourself ever 2-3 years.

    Trust me in a marraige, it is never as easy as "I am going to buy this." Sometimes to keep the peace, you just gotta say "yep" and do what she wants.

    'nuff said

    Get married, and own a home or have a kid or two you would will figure it out.

    I agree with you 100%, well said.

    xbox 720 portable. Xbox+720+concept
  • Xbox+720+concept

  • shadowx
    Sep 12, 03:22 PM
    iTunes 7 installed just fine... gapless detection taking forever for about 4800 songs...

    CD-TEXT option... YEAH!!! I never updated to 6.0.5, so I'm not sure if it is new... but new for me - FINALLY!

    xbox 720 portable. Xbox 720: xbox-720-green
  • Xbox 720: xbox-720-green

  • mcrain
    Mar 29, 10:47 AM
    Forget about everything else for a second. Al Jazeera was actually supportive of the US' actions in Libya. People in Egypt and elsewhere are actually supportive of the US bombing a country in that region.

    That's absolutely amazing considering the damage GWB did to our standing in that part of the world.

    The next time some nutcase tries to recruit someone to blow himself up based on the idea that the US is the "bad guy" it is going to be harder now. So, maybe... just maybe, there is a bigger picture.

    Oh, and can anyone point me to the part of the Constitution that permits a standing army?

    xbox 720 portable. new xbox 720
  • new xbox 720

  • Barbs
    Jan 4, 01:13 PM

    That was posted by Joe Hewitt almost 5 months ago. Was it before or after he said he was no longer writing code for the facebook iphone app?

    xbox 720 portable. Xbox 720 Game Console
  • Xbox 720 Game Console

  • amacgenius
    Nov 8, 07:58 AM
    Not particularly thrilled about these, I thought I would be pissed when the C2D MacBooks came out, but the only thing worth it to me is the hardrive otherwise I'll stick with my Core Duo MacBook :).

    (Of course, day by day those C2D MacBook Pros are looking more and more enticing...)

    xbox 720 portable. Xbox 720 Conceptual Design
  • Xbox 720 Conceptual Design

  • 6-0 Prolene
    Mar 13, 08:49 AM
    well i dont think mbp and ipads have the same market.. and anyway i would never buy an ipad until i see it in a shop and i can try it..i don tthink they r goign to sell that many ipads now but well who knows
    hopefully next tuesday

    Are you kidding? They're already running out of the pre-orders. Demand is clearly outstripping supply for the iPads and they're not even released yet.

    I do think, though, that releasing some new MBPs and MPs would be a nice way to assuage the disgruntled pre-orderers of the iPad when they get told they can't pre-order.

    xbox 720 portable. Xbox 720 or Xbox 3 draws a lot
  • Xbox 720 or Xbox 3 draws a lot

  • Loyalizer
    Nov 8, 01:28 AM
    I just want the graphics card to be more than a lame 64MB. Every other manufacturer on the planet has at least 128 in their notebooks shared or otherwise.

    I would buy a Macbook in a heart beat if they did that. Hell... With the money I'll save from buying a Macbook pro I might get two one black and one white.

    xbox 720 portable. xbox720
  • xbox720

  • VPrime
    Oct 25, 06:22 PM
    Here is my hackintosh set up.

    I then have a macbook beside my bed, but don't have any pictures of that.

    xbox 720 portable. dead space xbox 720
  • dead space xbox 720

  • JonB3Z
    Nov 2, 06:27 PM
    What Adobe is saying is the simple truth: They can't provide Flash due to Apple's app restrictions. If that's "pointing the finger," it's pointing it accurately.

    Whether it is good or bad that Apple has those restrictions is a separate debate, but Adobe is just explaining to users who might want Flash on the iPhone why it isn't available, something that MR readers probably already know but that a lot of iPhone users may not.

    xbox 720 portable. xbox 720 conceptual game
  • xbox 720 conceptual game

  • carmenodie
    Apr 2, 03:23 AM
    My iphone 4 takes better pictures than any high end or low end sony camera I played with at best buy. The camera on the phone is just effing awesome.

    xbox 720 portable. Xbox+720+release+date+uk
  • Xbox+720+release+date+uk

  • PowerGamerX
    Oct 10, 07:02 PM
    Wow! I love your setup.
    The Mac Mini looks amazing
    not to mention all that other nice stuff on your desk :)

    Thank you! :D I always like getting comments and feedback.

    I've always been a huge fan of clean desktop setups, not much of a laptop or all-in-one guy, as I like ease of upgrading and replacing things, and while the Mac Mini was far from that, its a good medium, as its cheap(er) compared to the rest of the mac lineup, and is cheap enough that in 2-3 years I don't mind dropping the cash on another one. Also like doing some semi-pro/hobby image editing, so the 20" Cinema Display is great for me.

    xbox 720 portable. Tags: xbox 720, xbox concept,
  • Tags: xbox 720, xbox concept,

  • Konfabulation
    Oct 15, 04:42 PM
    Bear in mind, Jobs is making fun of wireless capacities today. Apple probably waited for the right time to release the "video" iPod (IMHO they could've waited for at least 640x480), so it's not as bad as you describe it.
    There are other wireless capacities that wuld be much more useful, for example, wirless bluetooth headphones. (Like logitech makes, but without the external transmitter)

    xbox 720 portable. Xbox 720 Photos .
  • Xbox 720 Photos .

  • daneoni
    Sep 12, 05:02 PM
    New interface will take some getting used to, looks like they moved things around a bit.

    xbox 720 portable. Xbox 720
  • Xbox 720

  • Salacion
    Apr 14, 09:46 AM
    I bet the non US growth is more like 30/35%. Amazing how they are growing like they are in the US.

    I've actually never owned a mac. Ipads and iphones but i'm buying my first mac this year. So I'll add to that US sales growth.

    Welcome, you're gonna love it!

    Aug 4, 09:10 AM
    Where have you seen this before?


    Yeah, I said announced. Leopard has been announced since Macworld. That photo may have shown us the cover, but that is not groundbreaking and as nice as it is, as previously mentioned I'm sure it won't be the final disk label. In the words of MosDef, they ain't sayin' nothin' new...

    Nov 2, 10:53 PM
    It works great everywhere except some apple computers, iphones and iPods.
    But you knew that.
    Put down the Koolaid and step away from the keyboard.

    That's because Adobe hasn't written a good version for the Mac yet. The mac version is a bloated resource hog. Everyone knows that.

    Oct 16, 07:47 AM
    Nice quote on Engadget's website: "iWhore, therefore iPod."

    I voted Negative because we all know Steve is furious that Microsoft is releasing a wireless MP3 player before Apple. The iP$d needs some serious revamping.

    Mar 25, 02:08 PM
    Is anyone else having the issue with the double vibrate when you get a text?? I had this issue with 4.3 and I have heard no complaining about it. Everyone I know who has 4.3 has the double vibrate so it's not just my phone, but I haven't heard anyone else say anything. It's pretty annoying. Anyway, I was just wondering if this fixed that issue or not.

    Oct 27, 05:53 AM
    Everthings good here. Installed on MacBook 1.83GHz Core Duo, 2GB RAM, 100GB HD. Downloaded, restarted, fans came on full blast for about 4 seconds, rebooted and everything is fine. Never had (and I hope never will) have the RSS but I installed anyway. Bootup chime seems a little louder and bootup time is decreased! :D

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